Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1336
Modelo destrutivo com variável terminal em experimentos quimiopreventivos de tumores em animais
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Estatística - PPGEs, 2012-04-12)
The chemical induction of carcinogens in chemopreventive animal experiments is becoming increasingly frequent in biological research. The purpose of these biological experiments is to evaluate the effect of a particular ...
Modelo binomial borroso, el valor de la firma apalancada y los efectos de la deuda
(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco., 2015)
El trabajo propone un modelo de valuación de empresa, binomial borroso proyectando y condicionando escenarios de continuidad o liquidación de la firma. El modelo se basa en la Teoría de Opciones Reales y la Lógica Borrosa ...
Modelo binomial borroso, el valor de la firma apalancada y los efectos de la deudaFuzzy Binomial Model, the Value of the Levered Firm and the Effects of Debt
(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2020)
Modelos de regressão binomial correlacionada
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Estatística - PPGEs, 2012-05-18)
In this thesis, a class of correlated binomial regression models is proposed. The model is based on the generalized binomial distribution proposed by Luceño (1995) and Luceño & Ceballos (1995). The regression structure is ...
On estimation and influence diagnostics for zero-inflated negative binomial regression models
The zero-inflated negative binomial model is used to account for overdispersion detected in data that are initially analyzed under the zero-Inflated Poisson model A frequentist analysis a jackknife estimator and a ...
Double Generalized Beta-Binomial and Negative Binomial Regression Models
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá - Facultad de Ciencias - Departamento de Estadística, 2017-01-01)
Overdispersion is a common phenomenon in count datasets, that can greatly affect inferences about the model. In this paper develop three joint mean and dispersion regression models in order to fit overdispersed data. These ...