Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 33
Stroke in ancient times - a reinterpretation of Psalms 137 : 5,6
(Assoc Arquivos Neuro- Psiquiatria, 2008-09-01)
Stroke was probably first described in Psalms 136: 5-6 of the Catholic Bible, and Psalms 137:5-6 of the Evangelical Bible. Based on the Portuguese, Spanish, English, German, Dutch, Russian, Greek, and original Hebrew Bible, ...
Stroke in ancient times - a reinterpretation of Psalms 137 : 5,6
(Assoc Arquivos Neuro- Psiquiatria, 2008-09-01)
Stroke was probably first described in Psalms 136: 5-6 of the Catholic Bible, and Psalms 137:5-6 of the Evangelical Bible. Based on the Portuguese, Spanish, English, German, Dutch, Russian, Greek, and original Hebrew Bible, ...
Stroke in ancient times - a reinterpretation of Psalms 137 : 5,6
(Assoc Arquivos Neuro- Psiquiatria, 2014)
Discurso, persuasão e subjetividade : um estudo sobre os hiperbolismos paulinos
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2011-11-17)
This paper makes a study on the literary style of the apostle Paul, more precisely regarding the use of emphatic expressions in the homologoumena, i. e., the epistles whose authenticity is not denied in scholarship. The ...
Discurso, persuasão e subjetividade : um estudo sobre os hiperbolismos paulinos
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2011-11-17)
This paper makes a study on the literary style of the apostle Paul, more precisely regarding the use of emphatic expressions in the homologoumena, i. e., the epistles whose authenticity is not denied in scholarship. The ...
Hacia una pedagogía liberadora en la formación de la lectura popular de la biblia, en las personas de la escuela bíblica, en la Parroquia San Roque de Cumaral Meta.
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado Licenciatura en Filosofía y Educación ReligiosaFacultad de Educación, 2019-03-04)
The Popular Reading of the Bible is a practice of reading the Bible, usually carried out in the Base Ecclesial Communities inserted in popular media in Latin America, which aims to rescue the original historical and spiritual ...
The Imagination in Silence - a Discussion about Sylvia Plath's The Wishing Box
(Univ Estadual Paulista, Fundacao Editora Unesp, 2019-01-01)
In agreement with Lissa Paul (1997), we understand that one of the purposes of feminist criticism is to present re-readings and revisions of texts considered of less importance within the work of a certain writer. Therefore, ...