Mostrando ítems 1-9 de 9
Fenton oxidation as a strategy to preserve the biomass in the activated sludge system
(Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química, 2020-02)
Wastewaters containing biocides constitute an increasing environmental pollution concern. In this work, the feasibility of implementing a pretreatment based on the Fenton process to minimize the negative impact of biocide ...
Efeito de sanificantes no controle pós-colheita da podridão parda (Monilinia fructicola) e da podridão mole (Rhizopus stolonifer) em pêssegos
(Grupo Paulista de Fitopatologia, 2008)
O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito in vitro e in vivo dos sanificantes cloreto de benzalcônio (Fegatex®), biomassa cítrica (Ecolife40®) e ozônio no controle da podridão parda (Monilinia fructicola) e da podridão ...
Fungicidas cúpricos, cloretos de benzalcônio e composto bioativo liquído (Bokashi) : fitotoxicidade e controle da seca dos ponteiros causada por Erwinia psidii em goiabeirasCupric fungicides, benzalconium chlorides and liquid bioactive compost (Bokashi) : phytotoxicity and control of guava bacterial blight caused by Erwinia psidii
(Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia, 2013)
Effects of myenteric denervation on extracellular matrix fibers and mast cell distribution in normal stomach and gastric lesions
(Biomed Central Ltd., 2010-06-22)
Background: In this study the effect of myenteric denervation induced by benzalconium chloride (BAC) on distribution of fibrillar components of extracellular matrix (ECM) and inflammatory cells was investigated in gastric ...
Effects of myenteric denervation on extracellular matrix fibers and mast cell distribution in normal stomach and gastric lesions
In this study the effect of myenteric denervation induced by benzalconium chloride (BAC) on distribution ...
Effects of myenteric denervation on extracellular matrix fibers and mast cell distribution in normal stomach and gastric lesions
(Biomed Central Ltd., 2010-06-22)
Background: In this study the effect of myenteric denervation induced by benzalconium chloride (BAC) on distribution of fibrillar components of extracellular matrix (ECM) and inflammatory cells was investigated in gastric ...
Microinjeções intramurais de cloreto de benzalcônio na síndrome do intestino curto em ratos wistar após enterectomia extensa
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2021-06-17)
A síndrome do intestino curto (SIC) representa uma condição clínica grave, caracterizada pela deficiente absorção intestinal de nutrientes, causada pela perda extensa do intestino delgado, culminando em altas taxas de ...