Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2586
Benefits of Exercise on the Executive Functions in People with Parkinson Disease
Objective We have made a 3-arm trial (group vs. individual exercise vs. no treatment) to test the effects of a 6-month exercise program upon the executive functions in participants with Parkinson disease. Methods Twenty-four ...
A execução fiscal administrativa no Brasil, possível viabilidade constitucional?
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2010-12-03)
The present work hás the objective to study the analysis of the constitutional viability of the implantation of the administrative fiscal execution in Brazil. We begin our study by analyzing the brazilian fiscal execution, ...
Reflexões acerca da executividade das sentenças de improcedência em ações declaratórias negativasReflections on the executivity of refusal judgments in negative declaratory actions
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilUFMG, 2023)
Principio de ejecución e inmediatez-de-acción: una reconstrucción aplicativa del art. 7o, inc. 3o del Código Penal chileno
(Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile, 2021)
Se persigue reconstruir la fórmula del principio
de ejecución por hechos directos, que bajo el
Código Penal chileno define cuándo se entiende
iniciada una tentativa (inacabada), en congruencia con el criterio de la así ...
Contribuições da implantação da tecnologia de informação MES - Manufacturing Execution System - para a melhoria das dimensões competitivas da manufatura: estudo de caso Novelis Brasil Ltda
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2014)
Contribuições da implantação da tecnologia de informação MES - Manufacturing Execution System - para a melhoria das dimensões competitivas da manufatura: estudo de caso Novelis Brasil Ltda
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2014)
Independent component analysis for internet gaming disorder
Introduction: There is a growing interest in the study of the neurobiological correlates of internet gaming disorder (IGD), and new techniques are beginning to be implemented for this purpose, such as independent component ...
Annual Progress Report N°8
The 8th year of the "Technological Development Unit" Basal Project was particularly successful with all the committed indicators met and cases with outstanding results. Moreover, the Board of Directors and the executive ...
Experience to use of ict in the teaching-learning in virtual environments of algebra
We presented a technology development experience and teaching method in virtual environments distance and face that contribute to solving the problems caused by the massiveness. The experience took place in the subject ...