Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 32
Expectations for Neutron-Antineutron Oscillation Time from TeV Scale Baryogenesis
(Amer Inst Physics, 2013-01-01)
A TeV scale extension of the standard model that incorporates the seesaw mechanism for neutrino masses along with quark-lepton unification is presented. It is shown that this model leads to the Delta B = 2 baryon number ...
Reheating and Baryogenesis
In this chapter we will study reheating, which happens just after inflation, and is a way to populate the Universe with thermally distributed particles, which is followed by the standard Radiation Dominated adiabatic ...
The impact of particle production on gravitational baryogenesis
Baryogenesis driven by curvature effects is investigated by taking into account gravitationally induced particle production in the very early Universe. In our scenario, the baryon asymmetry is generated dynamically during ...
On baryogenesis from dark matter annihilation
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2013-10-01)
We study in detail the conditions to generate the baryon asymmetry of the universe from the annihilation of dark matter. This scenario requires a low energy mechanism for thermal baryogenesis, hence we first discuss some ...
Post-sphaleron baryogenesis and an upper limit on the neutron-antineutron oscillation time
A recently proposed scenario for baryogenesis, called post-sphaleron baryogenesis (PSB), is discussed within a class of quark-lepton unified framework based on the gauge symmetry SU(2)L×SU(2) R×SU(4)c realized in the ...
Post-sphaleron baryogenesis and an upper limit on the neutron-antineutron oscillation time
A recently proposed scenario for baryogenesis, called post-sphaleron baryogenesis (PSB), is discussed within a class of quark-lepton unified framework based on the gauge symmetry SU(2)L×SU(2) R×SU(4)c realized in the ...
On baryogenesis from dark matter annihilation
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2014)
Simetrias e suas quebras: carga-paridade e o problema da anisotropia matéria-antimatéria
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2022-02-03)
Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica de como a violação da simetria CP, conhecida por Carga-Paridade poderia explicar o problema da Bariogênese: O porquê de existir mais matéria do que antimatéria no Universo ...