Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 195
Basic magmatism in northeastern Puna, Argentina: Chemical composition and tectonic setting in the Ordovician back-arc
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2009-12)
Two main groups of basic rocks, representative of the bimodal Ordovician magmatism of the northeastern Puna (22-24°S, 66°30'-65°40'W) were revisited on the basis of new geological, petrographic and geochemical data. One ...
Three-dimensional resistivity image of the magmatic system beneath Lastarria volcano and evidence for magmatic intrusion in the back arc (northern Chile)
Lazufre volcanic center, located in the central Andes, is recently undergoing an episode of uplift, conforming one of the most extensive deforming volcanic systems worldwide, but its magmatic system and its connection with ...
Bimodal back-arc alkaline magmatism after ridge subduction: Pliocene felsic rocks from Central Patagonia (47°S)
(Elsevier, 2008)
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. Volumetrically minor microsyenites, alkali microgranite and related trachytic dykes intrude early Pliocene OIB-like alkali basaltic and basanitic flows of the Meseta del Lago Buenos Aires in Central ...
Three-dimensional resistivity image of the magmatic system beneath Lastarria volcano and evidence for magmatic intrusion in the back arc (northern Chile)
(Amer Geophysical Union, 2015)
Lazufre volcanic center, located in the central Andes, is recently undergoing an episode of uplift, conforming one of the most extensive deforming volcanic systems worldwide, but its magmatic system and its connection with ...
The petrogenesis of back-arc magmas, constrained by zircon O and Hf isotopes, in the Frontal Cordillera and Precordillera, Argentina
(Springer, 2020-08-29)
The Andean margin of the South American continent has been magmatically and tectonically active for over 330 million years. It is the type location where “Cordilleran-type” magmatism and orogenesis are manifest. In Argentina ...
The tectonic regime along the Andes: Present-day and Mesozoic regimes
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2010-01)
The analyses of the main parameters controlling the present Chile-type and Marianas-type tectonic settings developed along the eastern Pacific region show four different tectonic regimes: (1) a nearly neutral regime in the ...
Puna (Argentina) and northern Chile Ordovician basic magmatism: A contribution to the tectonic setting
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2009-02)
Geochemical characteristics of Ordovician basic volcanic rocks help to define the evolving tectonic setting of the Argentine Puna and northern Chile. Four spatially distinct magmatic groups are defined on geological, ...
Ages and geochemistry of Mesozoic-Eocene back-arc volcanic rocks in the Aysén region of the Patagonian Andes, Chile
(Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), 2001)