Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 25
Intestinal absortion of sugars in the toad with hypophyseal or adrenal insufficiency
(Endocrine Society, 1941)
The toad Bufo arenarum Hensel, is the zoological species in which the greatest number of symptoms due to extirpation of the whole hypophysis or of only one of its two lobes havebeen observed. This animal reacts strongly ...
The mechanism of action of alloxan on blood sugar
(American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1945-08-24)
The intravenous administration of alloxan induces a thiphasic modification of the blood sugar level: l) hyperglycemia; 2) hypoglycemia; 3) hyperglycemia. We have studied these phenomena in several species, particularly the ...
Ovulacion del sapo "Bufo Arenarum" Hensel: I). Gonadotrofina hipofisaria
(Sociedad Argentina de Biología, 1947)
1) La ovulación de Bufo arenarum Hensel se produce porque el abrazo sexual provoca la secreción de gonadotrofina hipofisaria, la cual vá por vía sanguínea y produce la ovulación y ovoposición. Sin pars distalis, el abrazo ...
Hypophyseal functions in the toad Bufo arenarum Hensel
(Chicago University Press, 1949-03)
The study of the functions of the hypophysis of Bufo arenarum Hensel (and other batrachians) was started forty years ago in Argentina. This toad is perhaps the species in which the largest number of functions related to ...
Larval development and metamorphosis of the olfactory and vomeronasal organs in the toad Rhinella (Bufo) arenarum (Hensel, 1867)
(Wiley, 2010-07)
The olfactory and the vomeronasal system are the two major chemosensory systems found in terrestrial vertebrates. Among tetrapods, amphibians are unique in having an aquatic larval stage, followed by metamorphosis to a ...