Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 77
Breakage patterns on fishtail projectile points: experimental and archaeological cases
(W. S. Maney & Son Ltd, 2014-10)
Fishtail projectile points, also known as Fell 1, are dated between 11,000 and 9,500 14C yr BP in South and Central America and have been traditionally considered diagnostic of the early peopling of the continent. In this ...
Intraspecific biogeographic pattern breakage in the snapping shrimp Betaeus emarginatus caused by coastal copper mine tailings
Environmental gradients are common in nature, and geographically widespread species must cope with environmental differences between habitats. Environmental differences produce bio- geographic patterns that can involve ...
Influence of Length of Occlusal Support on Masticatory Function of Free-End Removable Partial Dentures
(Quintessence Publishing Co IncHanover ParkEUA, 2012)
Applicability of a modified breakage and coalescence model based on the complete turbulence spectrum concept for CFD simulation of gas-liquid mass transfer in a stirred tank reactor
(Chemical Engineering ScienceAustralia, 2020-01-16)
A generalized model for bubble breakage and coalescence is proposed using Computational Fluid Dynamics – CFD for considering the complete energy spectrum. An eulerian model and balance equations are simultaneously used to ...
Applicability of a modified breakage and coalescence model based on the complete turbulence spectrum concept for CFD simulation of gas-liquid mass transfer in a stirred tank reactor
(Chemical Engineering ScienceAustralia, 2020-01-16)
A generalized model for bubble breakage and coalescence is proposed using Computational Fluid Dynamics – CFD for considering the complete energy spectrum. An eulerian model and balance equations are simultaneously used to ...
A tale of lost tails: pseudoautotomy in the neotropical snake genus Drymoluber (Serpentes: Colubridae)
(Canadian Journal of Zoology, 2019)
Análise da interferência da quebra de carcaça no rendimento do filé em um abatedouro de avesAnalysis of the interference of carcass breakage in fillet yield in a poultry slaughter
(Universidade Federal da Grande DouradosBrasilFaculdade de EngenhariaUFGD, 2023)
Comments about some species abundance patterns: classic, neutral, and niche partitioning models
(Int Inst Ecology, 2008-11-01)
The literature on species abundance models is extensive and a great deal of new and important contributions have been published in the last three decades. Broadly speaking, one can recognize five families of species abundance ...