Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 652
Abundance and diversity of small-bird assemblages in the Monte desert, Argentina
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2005-12)
Assemblages of small bird species (o90 gbody mass) from the Monte desert in Argentinawere studied to analyze spatial and temporal variation in abundance and species richness.Mean species richness was higher during breeding ...
Drivers of phylogenetic assemblage structure of the furnariides, a widespread clade of lowland neotropical birds
(University of Chicago Press, 2019-02)
Species co-occurrence in local assemblages is shaped by distinct processes at different spatial and temporal scales. Here we focus on historical explanations and examine the phylogenetic structure of local assemblages of ...
The roles of history and habitat area in the distribution and composition of avian species assemblages in the highlands of Costa Rica
Bird species assemblages in isolated Neotropical highland mountains have been moulded by the drastic climatic changes that occurred in late Pleistocene. Palynological evidence indicates that after the Pleistocene the ...
Bird assemblages from western Sierras Grandes and Traslasierra valley in central Argentina: An important area for conservation of Chacoan and mountain birds
(Sociedade Brasileira de Ornitologia, 2018-05)
Between 1970 and 1980, many ornithological prospections were made in Central Argentina. With this work we intend to fill some of the existing gaps regarding such knowledge. We conducted bird surveys in the Central-western ...
A Bird Assemblage Mobs An Adult Pitviper In Southeastern Brazil
Diversity of understory birds in old stands of native and Eucalyptus plantations
We compared the vegetation structure between old (>70 year) stands of planted diversified native forests and stands of Eucalyptus tereticornis embedded in a mosaic of Eucalyptus stands. We then tested for differences in ...
Seasonal variation of estuarine birds from Trapandé Bay, Cananéia, Brazil
Estuaries are important environments for birds as resting and foraging sites. Therefore, information about the abundance, distribution, and biology of bird populations are necessary for preservation of such ecosystems. In ...
Comparing bird assemblages in large and small fragments of the Atlantic Forest hotspots
(Springer, 2008-01-10)
The Atlantic Forest (AF) is one of the most threatened and megadiverse world hotspots. It is arguably the most devastated and highly threatened ecosystem on the planet. The vast scope of habitat loss and extreme fragmentation ...
Enhancing avifauna in commercial plantations: Research note
The occurrence of fauna in commercial plantations is often associated with structural complexity. Through a meta-analysis, we tested whether the structural complexity of plantations could enhance bird species assemblages ...