Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1200
Analysis of the interrelations between biogeographic systems and the dynamics of the Port-Waterfront Cities
This research shows that the correlations of the Port-Waterfront Cities and their development throughout history have led to conceptual evolution to strengthen and implement: sustainable cities. The main objective of this ...
Biogeographical zonation of rocky intertidal communities along the coast of Peru (35 - 135 S Southeast Pacific)
(Public Library of Science, 2018)
The biogeography of the Peruvian Eastern Pacific coast has been described based on oceanographic parameters and qualitative species occurrence data. This has generated disagreement about the limits and existence of different ...
Historical relationships among Argentinean biogeographic provinces based on mygalomorph spider distribution data (Araneae: Mygalomorphae)
(Taylor & Francis, 2014-05)
The present study used the previously defined biogeographic provinces from Argentina as the starting point for a parsimony analysis of endemicity and cluster analysis. The goal of the study was to use a dataset of ...
Biogeographical transitions in the Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico, shown by chorological and evolutionary biogeographical affinities of passerine birds (Aves: Passeriformes)
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2017-09)
Aim: To locate areas of biogeographical transitions within the Sierra MadreOriental (SMO), Mexican transition zone.Location: Eastern Mexico (18° to 27° N ? 90° to 96° W) and the Americas.Methods: We deconstructed passerine ...
The influence of riverine barriers, climate, and topography on the biogeographic regionalization of Amazonian anurans
We evaluated five non-mutually exclusive hypotheses driving the biogeographic regions of anuran species in the Amazonia. We overlaid extent-of-occurrence maps for anurans 50 × 50 km cells to generate a presence-Absence ...
Ethnobotanical knowledge in rural communities of Cordoba (Argentina): the importance of cultural and biogeographical factors
(BioMed Central, 2009-12-15)
Background: The possibility to better understand the relationships within the men, the nature and their culture has extreme importance because allows the characterisation of social systems through their particular environmental ...
A postcranial skeleton of an elasmosaurid plesiosaur from the Maastrichtian of central Chile, with comments on the affinities of Late Cretaceous plesiosauroids from the Weddellian Biogeographic Province
An almost complete postcranial skeleton recovered from late Maastrichtian beds of central Chile, which can be confidently referred to the clade Elasmosauridae (Sauropterygia: Plesiosauroidea), is described. The material ...
Introducing the biogeographic species pool
The species pool concept has played a central role in the development of ecological theory for at least 60 yr. Surprisingly, there is little consensus as to how one should define the species pool, and consequently, no ...
Introducing the biogeographic species pool
The species pool concept has played a central role in the development of ecological theory for at least 60 yr. Surprisingly, there is little consensus as to how one should define the species pool, and consequently, no ...
A phylogeographical analysis across three biogeographical provinces of the south-eastern pacific: the case of the marine gastropod concholepas concholepas