Mostrando ítems 1-9 de 9
Linking vegetation structure and spider diversity in riparian and adjacent habitats in two rivers of Central Argentina: An analysis at two conceptual levels
(Entomological Society of America, 2017-08)
The link between vegetation structure and spider diversity has been well explored in the literature. However, few studies have compared spider diversity and its response to vegetation at two conceptual levels: assemblage ...
Change in the meiofauna community structure of sandy beaches of the nuevo gulf (Chubut, Argentina)
(Universidade de São Paulo. Museu de Zoologia, 2012-12)
The composition and distribution of the benthic meiofauna assemblages of the Nuevo Gulf (Chubut, Argentina) are described in relation to abiotic variables. The meiofauna and sediment samples were collected in the intertidal ...
Integrated assessment of metal contamination in sediments from two tropical estuaries
(Elsevier B.V., 2014-08-01)
In order to evaluate if sediment metal contamination is responsible for benthic degradation and identify possible reference sites in Todos os Santos Bay (TSB), comparisons between a highly impacted (Subae) and less impacted ...
A ictiofauna de poças rochosas de maré: padrões de distribuição associados ao espaço e ambienteThe rockpool’s ichthyofauna: distribution patterns associated with space and environment
(Universidade Federal do ParáMuseu Paraense Emílio GoeldiBrasilInstituto de Ciências BiológicasUFPAMPEGPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Zoologia, 2013)
An analysis of the importance of taxonomic level in the assessment of annelid communities in a Mexican lagoon
(Rosenstiel Sch Mar Atmos Sci, 2015-10)
Assessing taxonomic sufficiency (TS) is useful for developing rapid and reliable procedures in marine impact assessment and monitoring. The coastal lagoon Estero de Urías has been subjected to the effects of several ...
Composición de peces nativos en un gradiente latitudinal y altitudinal de sistemas lacustres de Chile.
(Universidad de Concepción.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas, 2009)
El objetivo de este estudio, fue analizar la composición de peces nativos en un gradiente latitudinal y altitudinal de sistemas lacustres de Chile entre la zona centro-sur y Patagonia de nuestro país, incluyendo Tierra del ...
Integrated assessment of metal contamination in sediments from two tropical estuaries
(Elsevier B.V., 2014)
Integrated assessment of metal contamination in sediments from two tropical estuaries
(Elsevier B.V., 2014)
Spanish version of the eating attitudes test 40: Dimensionality, reliability, convergent and criterion validity
In this paper, all the known classical solutions of a plane perfect plasticity system under the Saint Venant-Tresca-von Mises yield criterion are associated with some group of point symmetries. The equations of slip-line ...