Mostrando ítems 1-8 de 8
Bellman functions and dimension free L p -estimates for the Riesz transforms in Bessel settings
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020-08)
In this article we prove dimension free $L^p$?boundedness of Riesz transforms associated with a Bessel differential operator. We obtain explicit estimates of the $L^p$?norms for the Bessel?Riesz transforms in terms of $p$, ...
Aprendizaje multimodal aplicado al etiquetado de imágenes
El aprendizaje multimodal estudia problemas de aprendizaje automático utilizando datos que combinan información de diferente naturaleza. Un ejemplo de tarea multimodal es el etiquetado de imágenes, donde una imagen debe ...
Multimodal image registration between vis, swir and lwir images on special-purpose hardwareRegistro multimodal de imágenes vis, swir y lwir en hardware dedicado
Image registration is defined as the process of aligning images of the same scene captured under different conditions. When these images correspond to different spectra, it's called multimodal registration. The registration ...
Modeling of hysteretic structural systems using multilayer perceptrons and physics-guiding techniques
(Universidad Nacional de ColombiaManizales - Ingeniería y Arquitectura - Maestría en Ingeniería - EstructurasFacultad de Ingeniería y ArquitecturaManizales, ColombiaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Manizales, 2022)
This research develops a framework for the modeling and identification of hysteretic structural systems, which employs multilayer perceptrons and physical principles of structures. This framework consists of three hysteretic ...