Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 130
Heurística para mejorar la convergencia del método de descomposición de Benders
(Ciencia e Ingeniería, 2010)
Benders decomposition applied to security constrained unit commitment: Initialization of the algorithm
(Elsevier, 2015-03)
Benders decomposition has been broadly used for security constrained unit commitment problems, despite the fact that it may present convergence difficulties due to instabilities and to the mixed integer nature of the unit ...
Accelerating benders decomposition with heuristicmaster problem solutions
(Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Operacional, 2012)
In this paper, a general scheme for generating extra cuts during the execution of a Benders decomposition algorithm is presented. These cuts are based on feasible and infeasible master problem solutions generated by means ...
Benders, metric and cutset inequalities for multicommodity capacitated network design
(SPRINGER, 2009)
Solving multicommodity capacitated network design problems is a hard task that requires the use of several strategies like relaxing some constraints and strengthening the model with valid inequalities. In this paper, we ...
Aplicação do método de decomposição de Benders para o problema de carregamento de paletes
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção - PPGEP, 2008-12-11)
Cutting and packing problems are important in the production planning of various industrial segments involving goals such as minimizing the negative efects generated by waste of materials or idle spaces. The loss of material ...
Stabilization of the Generalized Benders Decomposition applied to Short-Term Hydrothermal Coordination Problem
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2013-09)
Solving the Short Term Hydrothermal Coordination (STHTC) Problem considers the resolution of both the Unit Commitment (UC) and the Economic Dispatch (ED) for thermal and hydraulic units. In order to avoid post-dispatch ...
A Benders Decomposition Approach for an Integrated Bin Allocation and Vehicle Routing Problem in Municipal Waste Management
(Universidad Nacional del Sur, 2020)
The municipal solid waste system is a complex reverse logistic chain which comprises several optimisation problems. Although these problems are interdependent – i.e., the solution to one of the problems restricts the ...
A spinning reserve, load shedding, and economic dispatch solution by benders decomposition
Planejamento de Fontes Reativas em Sistemas de Energia Elétrica utilizando a técnica de Decomposição de Benders e o algoritmo de Branch-and-Bound
This paper presents the Benders decomposition technique and Branch and Bound algorithm used in the reactive power planning in electric energy systems. The Benders decomposition separates the planning problem into two ...