Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 197
Linking above-ground biomass production to below-ground carbon fluxes across stocking, clone, fertilization, and understory elimination in Pinus radiata D.Don plantations, New Zealand
(Elsevier, 2020)
The linkage between above-ground biomass production and below-ground carbon fluxes as influenced by silviculture has been insufficiently studied. We tested the effects of stocking, clone, fertilization, and follow-up ...
Fine-scale root community structure and below-ground responses to grazing show independence from above-ground patterns
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2017-11)
Question: Root biomass distribution and below-ground processes are the main drivers of plant community structure and dynamics in arid rangelands. However, despite their relevance, below-ground plant responses to disturbance ...
The diversity of post-fire regeneration strategies in the cerrado ground layer
Disentangling species strategies that confer resilience to natural disturbances is key to conserving and restoring savanna ecosystems. Fire is a recurrent disturbance in savannas, and savanna vegetation is highly adapted ...
Do xerophytic and mesophytic perennial grasses differ in soil resource capture and allocation? A field 15N experiment
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2021-12)
In rangelands, pattern and processes below-ground are important for a complete understanding of their ecology. Recent studies in grass-dominated communities in Europe, North America and South America indicate that root ...
Below-ground biomass and productivity of a grazed site and a neighbouring ungrazed exclosure in a grassland in central Argentina
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2004-04)
We estimated the below-ground net plant productivity (BNPP) of different biomass components in an intensively and continuously 45-ha grazed site and in a neighbouring exclosure ungrazed for 16 years for a natural mountain ...
Variation in biomass allocation and root functional parameters in response to fire history in Brazilian savannas
Fire is a fundamental ecological factor in savannas because it affects vegetation dynamics and ecosystem functioning. However, the effects of fire on below-ground compartments, including biomass and root traits, and their ...
Does decomposition of standrd materials differ among grassland patches maintained by livestock?
(Wiley, 2010-05)
Grazing can modify vegetation structure and species composition through selective consumption, modifying plant litter quality and hence decomposability. In most grasslands, moderate stocking rates maintain a mosaic of ...