Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1874
Numerical modeling of flow stress and grain evolution of an Mg AZ31B alloy based on hot compression tests
Magnesium alloys offer a wide range of applications in modern lightweight structures, although the correct forming parameters need to be found to reach a good combination of fine microstructure and the required mechanical ...
Influence of the addition of SiO2 nanoparticles to a hybrid coating applied on an AZ31 alloy for early corrosion protection
This work aims to investigate the corrosion resistance of AZ31 magnesium alloy protected by hybrid films based on tetraethylorthosilane (TEOS) and (3-glycidoxypropyl)trimethoxysilane (GPTMS) with the addition of different ...
Bactéria azospirillum brasilense e seus efeitos na eficiência da adubação nitrogenada, em cultivares convencionais de milho verde
(Universidade Federal do TocantinsBRPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia da Amazônia Legal - BionortePalmas, 2021)
Mechanical and fatigue strength assessment of friction stir welded plates of magnesium alloy AZ31BAvaliação da resistência mecânica e à fadiga de chapas soldadas por atrito com pino não consumível da liga de magnésio AZ31B
Light-alloys play a significant role in saving weight in automotive and aerospace industries; however, a few joining methods guarantee mechanical and fatigue strengths for high performance application. Even conventional ...
Low temperature rolling of AZ91 alloy for hydrogen storage
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2017-12)
The hydrogen storage properties of a commercial AZ91 magnesium alloy were investigated after processing by cold rolling in two different conditions: (a) extensive cold rolling at room temperature (CR); (b) rolling with the ...
Estudos de QSAR 2D para uma s??rie de derivados az??licos ativos contra Cryptoccocus e de mecanismos de resist??ncia de Cryptococcus gattii atrav??s de modelagem por homologia
(Faculdade de Farm??ciaPrograma de P??s-Gradua????o em Farm??ciaUFBAbrasil, 2017-05-29)
The moduli space of 2-dimensional algebras
(Marcel Dekker IncNew YorkEUA, 2000)