Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 21
Maximum Entropy Inferences on the Axion Mass in Models with Axion-Neutrino Interaction
(Springer, 2017)
In this work, we use the maximum entropy principle (MEP) to infer the mass of an axion which interacts to photons and neutrinos in an effective low energy theory. The Shannon entropy function to be maximized is defined in ...
Áxions, májorons e neutrinos em extensões do modelo padrão
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2011-04-29)
Nesta tese, partículas tais como áxions, Májorons e neutrinos são consideradas em duas extensões eletrofracas do modelo padrão da física de partículas. Especificamente, os modelos considerados estão baseados nas simetrias ...
Invisible axion and neutrino masses
(American Physical Soc, 2006-01-01)
We show that in any invisible axion model due to the effects of effective nonrenormalizable interactions related to an energy scale near the Peccei-Quinn, grand unification or even the Planck scale, active neutrinos ...
Invisible axion and neutrino masses
(American Physical Soc, 2006-01-01)
We show that in any invisible axion model due to the effects of effective nonrenormalizable interactions related to an energy scale near the Peccei-Quinn, grand unification or even the Planck scale, active neutrinos ...
Invisible axion and neutrino masses
We show that in any invisible axion model due to the effects of effective nonrenormalizable interactions related to an energy scale near the Peccei-Quinn, grand unification or even the Planck scale, active neutrinos ...
Revisiting the axion bounds from the Galactic white dwarf luminosity function
(Iop Publishing, 2014-10)
It has been shown that the shape of the luminosity function of white dwarfs (WDLF) is a powerful tool to check for the possible existence of DFSZ-axions, a proposed but not yet detected type of weakly interacting particles. ...
Áxions, májorons e neutrinos em extensões do modelo padrão
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2014)
Invisible axion and neutrino masses
(American Physical Soc, 2014)
The quest for an intermediate-scale accidental axion and further ALPs
(Springer, 2014-06-06)
The recent detection of the cosmic microwave background polarimeter experiment BICEP2 of tensor fluctuations in the B-mode power spectrum basically excludes all plausible axion models where its decay constant is above ...