Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 157
On-axis calcium magneto-optical trap loaded with a focused decelerating laser
(Springer-verlagNew YorkEUA, 2004)
Compact frequency standard based on an intracavity sample of cold cesium atoms
(Optical Society of America - OSAWashington, DC, 2011-11)
We have demonstrated the possibility for a compact frequency standard based on a sample of cold cesium atoms. In a cylindrical microwave cavity, the atoms are cooled and interrogated during a free expansion and then detected. ...
The Brazilian time and frequency atomic standards program
(Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2008)
Cesium atomic beam clocks have been the workhorse for many demanding applications in science and technology for the past four decades. Tests of the fundamental laws of physics and the search for minute changes in fundamental ...
Free expanding cloud of cold atoms as an atomic standard: Ramsey fringes contrast
A compact frequency standard based on an expanding cold (133)CS cloud is under development in our laboratory. In a first experiment, Cs cold atoms were prepared by a magneto-optical trap in a vapor cell, and a microwave ...
Laser spectroscopy of calcium in hollow-cathode discharges
(Optical Soc AmerWashingtonEUA, 2001)
Towards an optical lattice clock based on neutral mercury
(Romanian AcademyBucharest, 2008)
We are investigating the possibilities of using neutral mercury as a new species to realize a highly accurate atomic clock using the non-perturbing dipole lattice trapping scheme. Typically, accuracy below 10-17 is targeted, ...
Long term experimental results of a rubidium atomic clock with drift compensation.
(SEMETRO, 2011)
This paper presents the results of two years of operation of an automatic system that compensates drifts of a rubidium atomic clock. This clock is the base of the Uruguayan National Time-Frequency Standard.
Sequential injection analysis implementing multiple standard additions for As speciation by liquid chromatography and atomic fluorescence spectrometry (SIA-HPLC-AFS)
An analytical procedure for multiple standard additions of arsenic species using sequential injection analysis (SIA) is proposed for their quantification in seafood extracts. SIA presented flexibility for generating multiple ...