Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 231
Dysmyelination, demyelination and reactive astrogliosis in the optic nerve of the taiep rat
(Sociedad de Biología de Chile, 1999)
Predicting Reactive Astrogliosis Propagation by Bayesian Computational Modeling: the Repeater Stations Model
(Humana Press, 2019-09)
Reactive astrogliosis occurs upon focal brain injury and in neurodegenerative diseases. The mechanisms that propagate reactive astrogliosis to distal parts of the brain, in a rapid wave that activates astrocytes and other ...
Palmitoylethanolamide prevents neuroinflammation, reduces astrogliosis and preserves recognition and spatial memory following induction of neonatal anoxia-ischemia
(Springer, 2018-10)
Rational: Neonatal anoxia-ischemia (AI) particularly affects the central nervous system. Despite the many treatments that have been tested, none of them has proven to be completely successful. Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) ...
La astrogliosis y formación de la cicatriz glial: comportan beneficios y perjuicios para el tejido nervioso lesionado
(PUCE, 2016)
De la premisa clínica expuesta a partir de las graves secuelas causadas por lesiones en el tejido del Sistema Nervioso, se ha puesto en marcha un gran esfuerzo por parte de la comunidad científica para mitigar estos efectos. ...
Astrogliosis and HSP 70 activation in neonate rats' brain exposed to sodium metavanadate through lactation
(Elsevier Inc, 2013-05)
The effect of sodium metavanadate (NaVO3) exposure on lipid oxidative damage in the CNS of suckling rats was studied. Using histological markers of cellular injury, we also studied the morphological alterations of neurons ...
Dysmyelination, demyelination and reactive astrogliosis in the optic nerve of the taiep rat
Dysmyelination, demyelination and reactive astrogliosis in the optic nerve of the taiep rat
Protein kinase B (AKT) upregulation and Thy‑1‑αvβ3 integrin‑induced phosphorylation of Connexin43 by activated AKT in astrogliosis
Background: In response to brain injury or inflammation, astrocytes undergo hypertrophy, proliferate, and migrate to the damaged zone. These changes, collectively known as "astrogliosis", initially protect the brain; ...
Caracterización de la expresión de un marcador de astrogliosis reactiva en un modelo animal de isquemia cerebral en ratas en tratamiento con glucosamina
(Universidad IcesiFacultad de Ciencias NaturalesDepartamento de Ciencias FarmacéuticasSantiago de Cali, 2015-07-01)
Se ha reportado que tras la ocurrencia de un episodio de isquemia cerebral, tardan pocas horas en activarse los astrocitos que logran sobrevivir al daño, los cuales proliferan y se hipertrofian, ocasionando que se dé la ...