Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 21
Ants as selective agents on herbivore biology: Effects on the behaviour of a non-myrmecophilous butterfly
(Blackwell Science LtdOxfordInglaterra, 1996)
I Can See You: Temporal Variation in Ant Aggressiveness Towards Herbivores under Continuous Provision of High- or Low-quality Food Sources
(Univ Estadual Feira Santana, 2020-03-01)
To reduce herbivory, plants bearing extrafloral nectaries interact with ants and attract them by providing food. As plant bodyguards, ants respond to the resource provision and, using their antennae, detect chemical messages ...
A influência da presença de nectários extraflorais na estrutura da comunidade de formigas arbóreas do cerradoThe influence of extrafloral nectaries in the structure of the cerrado arboreal ant community
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBRPrograma de Pós-graduação em Ecologia e Conservação de Recursos NaturaisCiências BiológicasUFU, 2016)
Pollination biology and breeding system of Zeyheria montana (Bignoniaceae)
(Springer WienViennaAustria, 2004)
Nectários extraflorais em Luffa cylindrica (L.) M. Roem (Cucurbitaceae): anatomia e respostas morfofisiológicas em função do status nutricional e herbivoria
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2016-02-29)
Extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) are secretory structures commonly involved in the indirect defence of plants. In Luffa cylindrica, these structures occur in leaves, stems and fruits. 3 In leaves, EFNs are present on the lower ...
Efeito da qualidade de recursos líquidos energéticos sobre a atratividade e agressividade das formigas do Cerrado
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilCiências Biológicas, 2021)
Anatomia foliar de Chamaecrista Moench. (Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae) como subdídio à taxonomia e à filogeniaLeaf anatomy of Chamaecrista Moench. (Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae) as a additional tool for taxonomy and phylogeny
(Universidade Federal de ViçosaBRBotânica estrutural; Ecologia e SistemáticaDoutorado em BotânicaUFV, 2015)
Relationship between elements of the usability and emotions reported after use: A Mexican case
In central Mexico, the ant Brachymyrmex obscurior Forel feeds on nectar produced by extrafloral nectaries of Acacia pennatula (Schlecht. & Cham.) Benth However, no studies have determined whether the ant's visitation is ...