Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 201
Exploiting the enzymatic machinery of Arthrobacter atrocyaneus for oxidative kinetic resolution of secondary alcohols
We evaluated Arthrobacter atrocyaneus (R1AF57) as producer of oxidoreductases for oxidative kinetic resolution of racemic secondary alcohols via oxidation reaction. This bacterium was isolated from Amazon soil samples using ...
Atrazine behavior in an agricultural soil: adsorption–desorption, leaching, and bioaugmentation with Arthrobacter sp. strain AAC22
(Springer Heidelberg, 2022-01)
Purpose: To evaluate atrazine behavior in an agricultural soil (adsorption–desorption, leaching) and the effects of bioaugmentation with the Arthrobacter sp. strain AAC22, as a soil remediating strategy. Material and ...
Isolation and characterization of atrazine-degrading Arthrobacter sp. strains from Argentine agricultural soils
(Springer, 2013-05)
Three bacterial strains capable of degrading atrazine were isolated from Manfredi soils (Argentine) using enrichment culture techniques. These soils were used to grow corn and were treated with atrazine for weed control ...
Catalytic mechanism of inulinase from Arthrobacter sp S37
Detailed catalytic roles of the conserved Glu323, Asp460, and Glu519 of Arthrobacter sp. S37 inulinase (EnIA), a member of the glycoside hydrolase family 32, were investigated by site-directed mutagenesis and pH-dependence ...
Fitorremediación de pasivos mineros con Polylepis sp. en sinergia con Arthrobacter luteolus, Pseudomonas extremaustralis y Stenotrophomonas rhizophila en la unidad minera Sumaq Rumi (Junín - Perú)
(Universidad Científica del SurPE, 2023)
Los pasivos mineros en el Perú generan desechos y emisiones, muchas veces son concesiones de diferentes empresas mineras que no siguen un adecuado plan de remediación de sus pasivos mineros, y esta tarea pasa a un segundo ...
Lisis de Arthrobacter sp. por un nuevo bacteriófago para el control biológico de biomasa derivada de la degradación de ácido tereftálico
One of the aspect to consider when bio treating residual waters containing aromatic compounds such as tereftalic acid is the high biomass generated in the treatment. There is a problem when the sludge generated is no longer ...