Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3363
The mexican army and the state. Historical and political perspective
(Reveu Internationale de Sociologie, 1978)
Our central objective consists first in making a panoramic presentation of the Army as a cardinal organization in the conformation of Mexico's modern State and as a backup institution of the official party, which in turn ...
The mexican army and the state. Historical and political perspective
(Reveu Internationale de Sociologie, 2015)
One of the Guys: Military Women and the Argentine Army
(Duke University Press, 2019)
In this chapter, I examine institutional life in the Argentine Army today from the perspective of female soldiers, with particular emphasis on the opportunities for agency available to these women in the army.
Canales de distribucion
El potencial político del ejército mexicano.
(Historia y sociedad, 1978)
Este artículo ofrece una panorámica del Ejército como organización básica en la consolidación del Estado mexicano moderno, y como organismo de apoyo al partido oficial ocupante de una enorme área de la sociedad civil. ...
Relaciones militares México-Estados Unidos. Los rumbos de la vecindad caliente.
(Nexos., 1985-03)
En este artículo se hace una revisión de las relaciones militares entre México y Estados a lo largo de la historia. Enlistando los programas de asistencia entre estas dos naciones y los intereses que posee cada una de ...
El potencial político del ejército mexicano.
(Historia y sociedad, 2015)
The occurrence and foraging behavior of the army ant Eciton vagans dubitatum in the Itirapina area, São Paulo State, Brazil (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
This paper discusses the occurrence of the army ant Eciton vagans dubitatum in a semi-deciduous forest, Itirapina area, São Paulo State, Brazil. Comparisons of bivouac and raiding pattern are done in relation to other ...
The occurrence and foraging behavior of the army ant Eciton vagans dubitatum in the Itirapina area, São Paulo State, Brazil (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
This paper discusses the occurrence of the army ant Eciton vagans dubitatum in a semi-deciduous forest, Itirapina area, São Paulo State, Brazil. Comparisons of bivouac and raiding pattern are done in relation to other ...