Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 856
Enforcement, Empowerment and Entitlement (3E): Subnational determinants of armed post-conflict stability
Between 1958 and 2017, Latin American countries experienced a long and intense cycle of insurgent internal armed conflicts for State sovereignty in multiple exceptional war territories. I consider this long period of ...
Enforcement, empowerment and entitlement (3E): subnational determinants of armed post-conflict stability
Between 1958 and 2017, Latin American countries experienced a long and intense cycle of insurgent internal armed conflicts for State sovereignty in multiple exceptional war territories. I consider this long period of ...
Telepsychiatry for post-traumatic stress disorder: a call for action in the Syrian conflict
(Elsevier, 2015)
The political crisis and war conflicts in Syria, characterised by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as “the great tragedy of the century”, have entered their fifth year with no sign of resolution. One action, ...
Disarming ex-combatants' minds : toward situated reintegration process in post-conflict Colombia
Collective violence in the context of armed conflict impacts the economy, health systems, and social stability of affected countries. This is considered a complex phenomenon with interwoven biological, psychological, social, ...
Condiciones económicas, sociales, institucionales y productivas relacionadas con el emprendimiento del municipio de Pueblo Rico, Risaralda.
(Universidad Catolica de Pereira, 2020)
Etapas del conflicto armado en Colombia : hacia el posconflictoStages of the armed conflict in Colombia : towards post-conflict
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el CaribeMX, 2019)
Aggression, Conflict and Peace ResearchMental health problems, family functioning and social support among children survivors of Colombia’s armed conflict
(Emerald Publishing, 2020)
Purpose - Colombia presents with one of the largest armed conflicts in the world. Children exposed directly or indirectly to armed conflicts live the emotional footprints left by war. This study identified mental health ...
Disarming ex-combatants' minds: Toward situated reintegration process in post-conflict Colombia
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2019-01)
Collective violence in the context of armed conflict impacts the economy, health systems, and social stability of affected countries. This is considered a complex phenomenon with interwoven biological, psychological, social, ...
La cabeza de Jano en la evolución del ius in bello interno y la cuestión del nuevo ius contra bellum internum
(Instituto de Ciencias Penales y Criminológicas, 2017-12-12)
Desde 1945, la mayoría de los conflictos armados tuvieron lugar entre Estados y rebeldes o entre grupos armados no estatales al interior de Estados frágiles o fallidos. En la actualidad, los dramas en Irak, Siria y en ...
Conflicto armado, paz y economíaArmed conflict, Peace and Economics
(Universidad del Norte, Ediciones UninorteHegemonía, Guerras y ConflictosBarranquilla, Colombia, 2016)