Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1001
Archaeometry and archaeology
(Associa????o Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2020)
Nuevo Corinto: A Chiefly Village in Northeastern Costa Rica
Archaeological research at Nuevo Corinto has provided information on the emergence of complex village patterns in northeastern Costa Rica. This includes an improved chronology of in situ culture change over a 3000-year ...
The Contemporary Past of San Pedro de Atacama, Northern Chile: Public Archaeology?
(Springer, 2015)
Historically, the relationships between archaeologist and the indigenous communities in San Pedro Atacama (northern Chile) have been complex and conflicting. The study of the contemporary past in this oasis situates us ...
Railway heritage and industrial archaeology in the state of São Paulo (Brazil): The Railway Memory ProjectPatrimonio ferroviario y arqueología industrial en el estado de São Paulo (Brasil): El Projeto Memória Ferroviária
The Projeto Memória Ferroviária (Railway Memory Project, UNESPFAPESP) is a cross-disciplinary research project that turns the railway heritage of the São Paulo state (Brazil) into a laboratory for testing new methodologies, ...
Nota editorial. Boletín de Arqueología PUCP; Núm. 10 (2006): Procesos y expresiones de poder, identidad y orden tempranos en Sudamérica
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo EditorialPE, 2018)
Introduction: Archaeology In History
(Taylor and Francis, 2013)
Towards a dialogical archaeology: An Andean perspective on hermeneutics, interpretation and political praxis
(Cambridge University Press, 2022-02)
Taking a geopolitical perspective centred in the Argentinian Andes, the authors propose a hermeneutical view of dialogical archaeology. The application of this theoretical and methodological approach to the example of the ...
Fay, G. E. An archaeological study of the Peralta complex in Sonora, Mexico
(Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, 2011)
Museo de sitio del complejo arqueológico El Paraíso
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2020-12-04)
El legado histórico dejado por nuestros antepasados son un tipo de herencia cultural a nivel nacional. Tanto en la Costa, Sierra y Selva podemos encontrar restos de vasijas cerámicas, hermosos textiles, y orfebrería preciosa ...
Making visible the invisible. A microarchaeology approach and an Archaeology of Color perspective for rock art paintings from the southern cone of South America
From the literature research review of studies that involved the physicochemical characterization of rock art paintings in Argentina and Chile, we evaluate the impact of this analytic approach in our understanding of these ...