Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 538
Segmentation-free Word Spotting for Handwritten Arabic Documents
In this paper we present an unsupervised segmentation-free method for spotting and searching query, especially, for images documents in handwritten Arabic, for this, Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOGs) are used as the ...
Recognition-free Retrieval of Old Arabic Document Images
(Revista Computación y Sistemas; Vol. 15 No. 2, 2011-12-13)
Abstract. Searching of old document images is a relevant issue today. In this paper, we tackle the problem of old Arabic document images retrieval which form a good part of our heritage and possess an inestimable scientific ...
Detection of Text Lines of Handwritten Arabic Manuscripts using Markov Decision Processes
In a character recognition systems, the segmentation phase is critical since the accuracy of the recognition depend strongly on it. In this paper we present an approach based on Markov Decision Processes to extract text ...
Handwritten Arabic Documents Segmentation into Text Lines using Seam Carving
Inspired from human perception and common text documents characteristics based on readability constraints, an Arabic text line segmentation approach is proposed using seam carving. Taking the gray scale of the image as ...
Segmentation of Arabic Handwritten Documents into Text Lines using Watershed Transform
A crucial task in character recognition systems is the segmentation of the document into text lines and especially if it is handwritten. When dealing with non-Latin document such as Arabic, the challenge becomes greater ...
Multi-agent Systems for Arabic Handwriting Recognition
This paper aims to give a presentation of the PhD defended by Boulid Youssef on December 26th, 2016 at University Ibn Tofail, entitled “Arabic handwritten recognition in an offline mode”. The adopted approach is realized ...
Arab Universities: Problems, COVID-19 and EffortsUniversidades árabes: problemas, COVID-19 y esfuerzos
(Universidad del Zulia, 2022)
Primavera árabe
Handwritten Character Recognition Based on the Specificity and the Singularity of the Arabic Language
A good Arabic handwritten recognition system must consider the characteristics of Arabic letters which can be explicit such as the presence of diacritics or implicit such as the baseline information (a virtual line on which ...