Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2971
Modeling of hydrochemistry evolution in carbonatic–siliciclastic aquifer system in coastal environment
Coastal regions are quite populous, causing coastal aquifers to be overexploited, due to which contamination of these aquifers is observed. The municipality of Belém, located on the eastern edge of the Amazon Forest, is ...
Assessing the impact of recycled water quality and clogging on infiltration rates at a pioneering Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) site in Alice Springs, Northern Territory (NT), Australia
Infiltration techniques for managed aquifer recharge (MAR), such as soil aquifer treatment (SAT) can facilitate low-cost water recycling and supplement groundwater resources. However there are still challenges in sustaining ...
Water in Mexico CityEl agua en la Ciudad de México
(Facultad de Ciencias, 2010)
El agua en la Ciudad de MéxicoWater in Mexico City
(Facultad de Ciencias, 2010)
Hydrogeochemical and isotopic indicators of vulnerability and sustainability in the GAS aquifer, São Paulo State, Brazil
Study region The Guarani Aquifer System (GAS), São Paulo State, Brazil, an important freshwater resource regionally and part of a giant, transboundary system. Study focus Groundwaters have been sampled along a transect. ...
Water-Rock Interactions in the Bauru Aquifer System - Sao Paulo State, Brazil
(Elsevier B.V., 2017-01-01)
The study focuses on the assessment of mineral saturation indexes using data of physicochemical analysis of groundwater samples from different units of the Bauru Aquifer System, in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The ...
Rock-solute reaction mass balance of water flowing within an aquifer system with geochemical stratification
(Elsevier B.V., 2020-12-01)
Aquifers possess distinct mineralogy, diagenetic history, and geochemical constraints, which control the pore water's hydrochemistry. Whenever aquifers exchange groundwater, the incoming groundwater establishes a new ...
Health risk related to radon in a thermal spa utilizing waters from Guarani aquifer
(Wit Press/computational Mechanics Publications, 2007-01-01)
This investigation was carried out within the Parana sedimentary basin, Brazil, involved the sampling of groundwater and air, and was realized with the purpose of evaluating the radioactivity, due to radon gas, in a thermal ...
A comparative study of aquifer systems occurring at the Paraná sedimentary basin, Brazil: U-isotopes contribution
The radioactivity due to 238U and 234U in three aquifer systems occurring within the Paraná sedimentary basin, South America, has been investigated. Uranium is much less dissolved from fractured igneous rocks than from the ...