Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 72
"Quebracho" tannin derivative and boosters biocides for new antifouling formulations
(Springer, 2012-09)
The growth of fouling communities on ships' hulls causes economic losses due to increased fuel consumption and to the deterioration of the metallic substrate by corrosion. Antifouling paints are formulated to avoid the ...
Toxicity of innovative antifouling additives on an early life stage of the oyster Crassostrea gigas: short- and long-term exposure effects
Recent advances in nanotechnology have allowed the encapsulation of hazardous antifouling (AF) biocides in silica mesoporous nanocapsules (SiNC) reducing their short-term toxicity. However, the chronic effects of such novel ...
Occurrence, effects and environmental risk of antifouling biocides (EU PT21): Are marine ecosystems threatened?
This review presents a comprehensive compilation of toxicological and environmental data, further used to assess the ecological risk (ERA) of the 11 EU approved antifouling biocides (PT21). Diuron, chlorothalonil, DCOIT, ...
Evaluation of the phenyl-bonded silica-based sorbent for pre-concentration of the booster antifouling biocides zinc pyrithione, zineb and ziram using solid-phase extraction technique and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
A robust method of solid-phase extraction technique with use of the phenyl-bonded silica-based sorbent (Si-PH sorbent) for pre-concentration of three booster antifouling biocides: Zinc pyrithione, Zineb and Ziram in ultrapure ...
Benzoates: A new approach to non-toxic marine fouling control
(Emerald, 2001-02-01)
Owing to present and expected future regulations on the use of polluting antifouling compounds, there is a growing need for alternative methods for the prevention of biofouling. Some experiments on the effect of iron ...
Disminución del contenido de cobre en pinturas “antifouling” de matriz soluble, uso del eugenol como aditivoDiminution of the copper concentration in antifouling paints of soluble matrix, eugenol use as additive
(Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras José Benito Vives de Andréis, 2015-07)
El biofouling lleva al deterioro de cualquier material sumergido. El método más difundido para su control es la aplicación de pinturas antifouling con óxido cuproso de reconocida toxicidad. Por ello se buscan productos de ...