Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 18
Reality and perspectives of a model for the population that obtains its income with the use of an animal-drawn vehicle in the city of Bogota
This paper analyzes the structure of the data collected in the population dependent or receives its revenues in the use of animal-drawn vehicle, to extract an economic model for the development of this activity (which is ...
Animais e veículos de tração animal (VTAs) na região metropolitana de Aracaju : uma análise acerca da efetividade da legislação municipal em relação à garantia dos direitos dos animais
(DDI - Departamento de Direito – São Cristóvão – PresencialUniversidade Federal de Sergipe, 2022)
Editor’s Note
The research works presented in this issue are based on various topics of interest, among which are included: Mobile services, mpeg, agent-based Simulation, complexity, management accounting systems, animal-drawn vehicles, ...
Estudo do efeito agudo dos compostos ativos do chá de Ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis Caapi e Psychotria Viridi), em saguis (Callithrix jacchus) como modelo animal de depressão juvenil
The Major Depression Disorder (MDD) is a mood disorder of global reach, reaching approximately 350 million people, capable to induce psychological, social and physiological impair, which in some cases can lead to death by ...
Metformin improves ovarian follicle dynamics by reducing theca cell proliferation and CYP-17 expression in an androgenized rat model
(BioMed Central, 2018)
Metformin influences insulin receptor signaling, which might interfere with the proliferation of ovarian follicular structures and steroidogenesis. We ...
Metformin improves ovarian follicle dynamics by reducing theca cell proliferation and CYP-17 expression in an androgenized rat model
(Biomed Central Ltd, 2018)
Background: Metformin influences insulin receptor signaling, which might interfere with the proliferation of ovarian follicular structures and steroidogenesis. We hypothesize that reductions in glucose and insulin levels ...
Evaluación de los hallazgos de laboratorio clínico obtenidos de los caballos carreteros dados en custodia a la Clínica Veterinaria Universitaria U.D.C.A
(Facultad de Ciencias AgropecuariasMedicina Veterinaria, 2015)
This work corresponds to a study that realized with a population of horse’s highway
from Bogota, which did not enter the program to replace animal-drawn vehicles that developing the District Department of Transportation. ...
Carreteros acarreando el futuro.
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado Comunicación SocialFacultad de Comunicación Social, 2015)
Two years ago, the process of replacing animal-drawn vehicles in the city of Bogotá began. It had two objectives: to dignify the work of the carters and to put an end to the mistreatment to which these horses were subjected. ...
Papel do magnésio na prevenção e reversão de distúrbios motores experimentalmente induzidos
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRBioquímicaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Biológicas: Bioquímica Toxicológica, 2014-10-31)
Chronic treatment of psychotic disorders is associated with adverse effects that affect
motor function. Movement disorders include Parkinsonism, akathisia, dystonia and tardive
dyskinesia. Magnesium (Mg) is an essential ...