Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5300
Differential susceptibility to chromatid breaks induced by bleomycin in sub-fertile and fertile bovines
(Elsevier B.V., 2004-11-01)
The rate of chromatid breaks was studied in cows with a history of sub-fertility by means of a test based on measurement of the average of breaks induced in lymphocytes of peripheral blood cultures. Fourteen female specimens ...
Differential susceptibility to chromatid breaks induced by bleomycin in sub-fertile and fertile bovines
(Elsevier B.V., 2004-11-01)
The rate of chromatid breaks was studied in cows with a history of sub-fertility by means of a test based on measurement of the average of breaks induced in lymphocytes of peripheral blood cultures. Fourteen female specimens ...
Atributos químicos do solo sob plantio direto afetado por sistemas de culturas e fontes de adubação
Crop systems and fertilization sources can affect the chemical properties of the soil and, consequently, its fertility. With the aim of evaluating the effect of such management practices, soil samples collected at 0.0-0.10; ...
Producao animal em pastagem de milheto sob diferentes niveis de nitrogenio.
(Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, Brasilia, v.34, n.11, p.2145-49, nov. 1999., 2011)
Corn yield in sandy soil fertilized with poultry litter
(United Arab Emirates Univ, 2017-12-01)
The use of animal waste is an alternative to provide nutrients and increase organic matter content in sandy soils. The poultry litter is one of the most nutrient-rich residues. The objective of this study was assess the ...
Antagonismo genético entre características de crescimento e fertilidade em fêmeas da raça Canchim.
(Revista Brasileira de Genética, Ribeirão Preto, v.14, n.3, (supl.), p.205, 1991., 2015)
Mineral nutrition and fertilization of sweet potatoNutrição mineral e adubação da batata-doce
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is a versatile crop, but it is often grown in marginal and low-fertility areas, which reflects storage root yields far below its potential. For this reason, balanced liming and fertilization ...