Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 603
Determination of the genetic component of fur-chewing in chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera) and its economic impact
(MDPI, 2018)
Simple Summary Many chinchillas kept in captivity develop fur-chewing. This behavior does not only affect fur price, but most importantly it can be the result of an animal welfare problem. The causes of this behavior are ...
Curtido de pieles
(Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)Centro Latinoamericano de Especies Menores (CLEM), 2014)
The current population status of the Guadalupe fur seal population on the San Benito Islands, Mexico
(Marine Mammal Science, 2010)
The Guadalupe fur seal population at San Benito Islands is experiencing an exponential increase (r = 18.9%, r2 = 0.96) in this first phase of population growth. A similar pattern (r = 13.3%) was observed for Guadalupe fur ...
Survey for infectious disease in the South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) population at Punta San Juan, Peru
(BioOne, 2015)
The Peruvian population of the South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) is a distinct evolutionarily significant unit that is endangered. One of the largest rookeries for this species in Peru is located within the ...
Estudio tricológico preliminar de 37 especies de mamíferos costarricenses con importancia forense.
(Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica), 1998)
El estudio de los elementos pilosos no es del todo reciente a nivel mundial, desde el siglo XVII, Robert Hooke, Marcello Malpighi y Anton von Leewenhoek, describieron algunas estructuras presentes en el pelaje de los ...
Adrenal activity and anxiety-like behavior in fur-chewing chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera)
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2012-05)
Due to its complexity, in combination with a lack of scientific reports, fur-chewing became one of the most challenging behavioral problems common to captive chinchillas. In the last years, the hypothesis that fur-chewing ...
Knapweed peacock fly (Chaetorellia acrolophi White & Marquardt)
(Forestry Images, 2016)
Knapweed peacock fly (Chaetorellia acrolophi White & Marquardt)
(Forestry Images, 2013)
Reproductive performance and weaning success in fur-chewing chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera)
(Inst Animal Reproduction Food Research, 2014-09)
In captive chinchillas, one of the most challenging behavioral problems is the development of a stress-related abnormal repetitive behavior (ARB) known as ‘‘fur-chewing’’. We investigated whether there is a relationship ...
Effectiveness of fluoxetine to control fur-chewing behaviour in the chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera)
(Elsevier Science, 2013-06)
Due to its complexity and the relative lack of scientific reports, fur-chewing may be considered as one of the most challenging behavioural problems common to captive chinchillas. The development of this behaviour in ...