Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 745
Performance of young Angus x Nellore cattle fed with high-moisture corn or high-moisture sorghum.
(Amer Soc Animal Science, 2006-01-01)
Economic values and selection index in different Angus-Nellore cross-bred production systems
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2018-06-01)
Bioeconomic models were developed to calculate economic values (EV) for economically important traits in beef cattle, to evaluate the impact of these traits on production profitability, to assess possible market changes ...
Differences in skeletal muscle proteolysis in Nellore and Angus cattle might be driven by Calpastatin activity and not the abundance of Calpain/Calpastatin
(The Journal of Agricultural Science, 2019)
Identification of production environments in Angus populations of Brazil and Uruguay using cluster analysis.
(In: WORLD CONFERENCE ON ANIMAL PRODUCTION, 9., 2003, Porto Alegre. Proceedings... Porto Alegre: SBZ: WAAP: ALPA: UFRGS , 2003., 2003)
Sustainable intensification of the beef cattle production system in Brazil: animal performance in growing phase in pasture
(Oxford Univ Press Inc, 2018-12-01)
Performance of young Angus x Nellore cattle fed with high-moisture corn or high-moisture sorghum.
(Amer Soc Animal Science, 2006-01-01)
SNP discovery for QTL associated with grazing distribution in Angus cattle using RNA-Seq.
(Amer Soc Animal Science, 2017-08-01)