Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 242
Coupled tectonic evolution of Andean orogeny and global climate
(Elsevier, 2015)
The largest tectonic relief breaking the Earth's surface (13 km vertically) is at the subduction margin of the Andes, which generates routinely megathrust earthquakes (Mw > 8.5) and drives the paradigmatic Andean orogen. ...
Numerical simulation of drainage reversal of the Amazon River during Andean orogeny
(European Geosciences UnionVienna, 2014)
The uplift of Central and Northern Andes occurred concomitantly with an important reorganization of the drainage
pattern in Northern South America. During the Early Miocene, the fluvial systems that flowed from the ...
The South American retroarc foreland system: The development of the Bauru Basin in the back-bulge province
(Elsevier B.V., 2016-05-01)
The aim of this research is to understand the tectonic setting of the Bauru Basin. This basin in central eastern South America has been classified as intracratonic, but the basin-fill geometry, the involved subsidence ...
Paleozoic-early Mesozoic structural evolution of the West Gondwana accretionary margin in southern Patagonia, Argentina
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2021-03)
The Upper Devonian-Upper Triassic low-grade metasedimentary rocks exposed along the South Patagonian Andes preserve the structural record of deformation associated with pre-Andean orogenic phases that predated the inception ...
Revisiting the crustal structure and kinematics of the central Andes at 33.5 degrees S: implications for the mechanics of andean mountain building
(American Geophysical Union, 2018-05)
The Andean belt is the only present-day active case example of a subduction-type orogeny. However, an existing controversy opposes classical views of Andean growth as an east verging retro wedge, against a recently proposed ...
Kinematics of the active West Andean fold-and-thrust belt (central Chile): Structure and long-term shortening rate
(Blackwell, 2017)
West verging thrusts, synthetic with the Nazca-South America subduction interface, have beenrecently discovered at the western front of the Andes. At ~33°300S, the active San Ramón fault stands asthe most frontal of these ...
Stratigraphy, structure and geodynamic evolution of the Paleozoic rocks in the Cordillera del Viento (37º S latitude, Andes of Neuquén, Argentina)
(Servicio Publicaciones, 2014-06-25)
The Pre-Andean Paleozoic substrate from the Cordillera del Viento anticline is a polyorogenic basement composed of two groups of preorogenic rocks with different stratigraphy and deformation. The oldest set consists of ...