Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1680
Convergences and Conflicts between the Ancient and the Modern in three Baudelaire's Poems
(Univ Estadual Paulista, Fundacao Editora Unesp, 2019-01-01)
This article aims to explore convergences and conflicts between elements belonging to the ancient (Greco-Roman and Christian) and modern cultures in Baudelaire's poetry, as well as demonstrating how this dialogue works as ...
Ancient Egypt in Brazil: A Theoretical Approach to Contemporary Uses of the Past
(SpringerNew YorkEUA, 2010)
Insights on hair, skin and eye color of ancient and contemporary Native Americans
Over the past few years, tools capable of predicting pigmentation phenotypes have been developed aiming to contribute for criminal and anthropological investigations. In this study, we used eight genetic systems to infer ...
The World Map by Anaximander (Miletus, 5th Century BC): Modeling geographical space at the beginning of scienceEl Mapa del Mundo de Anaximandro (Mileto, siglo V AC): Modelando el espacio geográfico en el comienzo de la ciencia
(Sociedad Científica Argentina, 2021-08)
According to the Greeks science began in Miletus (Ionia) in the 6th century BC, linked to the need to provide rational explanations about the functioning of nature. In a context in which the mythical-religious perspective ...
Drugs in prehistory: chemical analysis of ancient human hair
Concern about drug abuse in modem populations has led to the development of specific methods for identification of cocaine, opiates and cannabis in human hair. Drug use in prehistory can provide indirect evidence of ...
Ancient shrinking spherical interfaces in the Allen-Cahn flow
(Elsevier Science BV, 2018)
We consider the parabolic Allen Cahn equation in R-n, n >= 2,
u(t) = Delta u + (1 - u(2))u in R-n x (-infinity, 0].
We construct an ancient radially symmetric solution u(x, t) with any given number k of transition ...
Notes on Ethnographic Method and Biblical Interpretation
(Herder, 2017-03)
These observations offer some thoughts of epistemological and methodological character on the ways the social information found in biblical stories is commonly used for social-science interpretations in contemporary Old ...
Cities and Urbanism in the Ancient World: An IntroductionCiudades y urbanismo en el mundo antiguo: una introducción
(Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA, 2021)