Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 932
Function spaces of coercivity for the fractional Laplacian in spaces of homogeneous type
(Duke University Press, 2019-05)
We combine dyadic analysis through Haar type wavelets defined on Christ´s families of generalized cubes, and Lax-Milgram theorem, in order to prove existence of Green´s functions for fractional Laplacians on some function ...
On the geometry of spaces of homogeneous type and the democracy of Haar systems in Lorentz spaces
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2019-08)
We explore the relation of the geometric structure of the underlying space and the democratic character of Haar systems in Lorentz spaces. We show that, aside from homogeneity, some particular behavior of the space at large ...
Discrete approximation of spaces of homogeneous type
(Springer, 2009-01)
In this note we combine the dyadic families introduced by M. Christ in (Colloq. Math. 60/61(2):601-628, 1990) and the discrete partitions introduced by J.M. Wu in (Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 126(5):1453-1459, 1998) to get ...
Muckenhoupt weights with singularities on closed lower dimensional sets in spaces of homogeneous type
(Elsevier, 2014-08)
We give sufficient conditions on a real number β and on a closed set F in a general space of homogeneous type (X,d,μ)(X,d,μ) in such a way that μ(B(x,d(x,F)))βμ(B(x,d(x,F)))β becomes a Muckenhoupt weight. In order to prove ...
Comparison of Hardy-Littlewood and dyadic maximal functions on spaces of homogeneous type
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2005-12)
We obtain a comparison of the level sets for two maximal functions on a space of homogeneous type: the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function of mean values over balls and the dyadic maximal function of mean values over the ...
Fourier homogenization method and the propagation of acoustic waves through a periodic vortex array
The classical problem of homogenization of elliptic operators in arbitrary domains
with periodically oscillating coe cients is considered. As the period goes to zero, an asymptotic
analysis of the corresponding sequence ...
On the problem of optimal reconstruction
(Birkhauser Boston IncCambridgeEUA, 2007)
Weighted norm inequality for a maximal operator on homogeneous space
(Heldermann VerlagLemgoAlemanha, 2008)
Nonlocal Schrödinger equations in metric measure spaces
(Elsevier, 2015-10)
In this note we consider the pointwise convergence to the initial data for the solutions of some nonlocal dyadic Schrödinger equations on spaces of homogeneous type. We prove the a.e. convergence when the initial data ...
Homogeneous manifolds from noncommutative measure spaces
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2010-05)
Let M be a finite von Neumann algebra with a faithful trace τ. In this paper we study metric geometry of homogeneous spaces O of the unitary group U of M, endowed with a Finsler quotient metric induced by the p-norms of ...