Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1906
Promoting interdomain analogical transfer: When creating a problem helps to solve a problem
(Springer, 2017-02)
Research on analogical thinking has devised several ways of promoting an abstract encoding of base analogs, thus rendering them more retrievable during later encounters with similar situations lacking surface similarities. ...
Seek, and ye shall find: Differences between spontaneous and voluntary analogical retrieval
(Psychology Press, 2016-04-01)
The present study tackles two overlooked aspects of analogical retrieval: (1) whether argumentation activities elicit a spontaneous search for analogical sources, and (2) whether strategic search can relax the superficial ...
A generalization of the membrane-plate analogy to non-homogeneous polygonal domains consisting of homogeneous subdomains
(Acoustical Society of America Institute of Physics, 2010-04)
The well-known membrane-plate analogy that relates the natural frequencies when dealing with polygonal homogeneous domains is herein extended to non-homogeneous systems comprised of homogeneous subdomains. The analogy is ...
Analogías y metáforas en las señales analógicas y digitalesAnalogies and metaphors in analog and digital signals
(Universidad de Valparaiso, 2023)
General-compensation-purpose Static var Compensator prototype
(Elsevier B.V., 2019-04-01)
Static var Compensator (SVC) has a general topology and its operational principle allows its application with distinct compensation purposes, such as voltage regulation or load balancing. Thus, this paper presents the ...
A Performance Evaluation of Oscillation Based Test in Continuous Time Filters
(World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2014-01)
This work evaluates the ability of OBT for detecting parametric faults in continuous-time filters. To this end, we adopt two filters with quite different topologies as cases of study and a previously reported statistical ...
A performance evaluation of oscillation based test in continuous time filters
This work evaluates the ability of OBT for detecting parametric faults in continuous-time filters. To this end, we adopt two filters with quite different topologies as cases of study and a previously reported statistical ...
Proton Radiation Influence on SOI FinFET Trade-Off between Transistor Efficiency and Unit Gain Frequency
(Ieee, 2016-01-01)
This paper studies the proton radiation influence on SOI FinFET analog parameters based on the device inversion coefficient (IC). The analysis focuses on some figures of merit in analog design like the transistor efficiency, ...
Friction factors, convective heat transfer coefficients and the Colburn analogy for industrial sugarcane juices
(Elsevier B.V. Sa, 2012-01-15)
Sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) is a relatively low-cost agricultural resource, produced mainly in tropical and subtropical regions of the planet. One of the most important applications of sugarcane juice is in the production ...