Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1394
Research and Patent of Phytotherapeutic and Phytocosmetic in the Brazilian Amazon
(Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2014)
Macrophyte rafts as dispersal vectors for fishes and amphibians in the Lower Solimoes River, Central Amazon
(Cambridge University Press, 2014)
Macrophyte rafts as dispersal vectors for fishes and amphibians in the Lower Solimoes River, Central Amazon
(Cambridge University Press, 2003-05-01)
Macrophyte rafts as dispersal vectors for fishes and amphibians in the Lower Solimoes River, Central Amazon
(Cambridge University Press, 2003-05-01)
Marine biodiversity in French Guiana: Estuarine, coastal, and shelf ecosystems under de influence of Amazonian waters
(Universidad de Concepción.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas., 2003)
Universidade da Floresta: Uma aproximação etnográficaUniversidade da Floresta: Uma aproximação etnográficaUniversidade da Floresta: Uma aproximação etnográfica
(Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Brasília, 2020)
Cost-effective protection of biodiversity in the western Amazon
The western Amazon needs to expand its protected-area system to ensure the conservation of its immense and threatened biodiversity. However, potential expansions often meet with resistance because of scarce government ...
De volta ao passado: Revisitando a história biogeográfica das florestas neotropicais úmidas
The high biological diversity observed in the tropical rainforests is a fact that intrigues researchers around the world, especially regarding historical processes responsible for their origin and maintenance. For Neotropical ...
Amazon aquatic biodiversity imperiled by oil spills
(Springer, 2016-12-01)
Oil exploitation poses a significant threat to freshwater biodiversity, and future plans to develop petroleum leases in the Amazon Basin should be seem with caution. A series of oil spills have significantly affected ...