Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3492
Desenvolvimento Econômico no Amapá: uma análise sobre o agronegócio no período de 2012 a 2016
(UNIFAP - Universidade Federal do AmapáBrasil, 25-09-2018)
The objective of this dissertation is to analyze the challenges and prospects for the expansion of agribusiness from the production of soybeans in the State of Amapá. Thus, in order to achieve the objective, it was based ...
Sojicultura no Amapá: desafios e oportunidades
(UNIFAP - Universidade Federal do AmapáBrasil, 22-04-2019)
The present study seeks to analyze the socioeconomic challenges and opportunities provided by the implementation of soybean agribusiness in the State of Amapá. The State has gained importance in the eyes of modern farmers ...
Valoração ambiental: proposição do método de valoração para estação ecológica Maracá-Jipióca
(UNIFAP - Universidade Federal do AmapáBrasil, 2013)
This paper proposes the economic valuation of the environmental service-Maraca Ecological Station Jipioca. Sought to indicate the application of the most appropriate method for measuring the value of the conservation area, ...
Agroextrativismo e desenvolvimento sustentável no Amapá: cenário e perspectivas
(UNIFAP - Universidade Federal do AmapáBrasil, 03-12-2022)
Agroextractivism is an activity developed in the Amazon region by several families, and in the state of Amapá, it is a means of obtaining income and food for many peasant communities. In the State, subsistence activity is ...
Geoquímica dos lateritos auríferos do Morro da Mina - Cassiporé (Amapá)
(Universidade Federal do ParáBrasilInstituto de GeociênciasUFPAPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Geologia e Geoquímica, 2019)