Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 16358
Electricity generation: regulatory mechanisms to incentive renewable alternative energy sources in Brazil
(Elsevier Sci LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2005)
Effect of an unusual source of methionine on the performance of organic chickens
The use of amino acids from alternative sources to reduce costs and increase or maintain poultry production levels is crucial to succeed in competitive industry. This study investigated the alternative methionine effects ...
Alternative sources of energy utilisation in the Caribbean : a guide to sources
(Vance Bibliographies, 2011-09-06)
Green chemistry in Brazil
Alternative for potassic fertilization of vegetables in organic management in low fertility natural soil of the humid tropics
The organic food production and mainly the demand for these products have been growing much worldwide, and with this rising demand there is need for more adequate soil management. Organic fertilization is one of the points ...
Alternative calcium source effects on commercial egg production and quality
(Facta-fundacio Arnco Ciência Tecnologia Avicolas, 2007-06-01)
This study aimed at verifying the possibility of replacing calcitic limestone by marine calcium in the diet of layers. A total number of 321 Hi-sex hens, with 40 weeks of age at the beginning of the experiment, was used. ...
Alternative calcium source effects on commercial egg production and quality
(Facta-fundacio Arnco Ciência Tecnologia Avicolas, 2007-06-01)
This study aimed at verifying the possibility of replacing calcitic limestone by marine calcium in the diet of layers. A total number of 321 Hi-sex hens, with 40 weeks of age at the beginning of the experiment, was used. ...
Alternative calcium source effects on commercial egg production and quality
(Facta-fundacio Arnco Ciência Tecnologia Avicolas, 2014)
Can Micronized Sulfur in Urea Reduce Ammoniacal Nitrogen Volatilization and Improve Maize Grain Yield?
Micronized sulfur (S) in urea may reduce nitrogen (N) loss by ammoniacal N (NH3–N) volatilization and provide a better use for S from oil refineries, thereby improving plant nutrition by providing N and S. The objective ...
Use Of An Alternate Light Source To Detect Tooth And Bone
(Fundação Odontológica de Ribeirão Preto, 2017)