Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 54
Somatic embryogenesis of alpataco (Prosopis alpataco L.).
(Springer International Publishing AG, info)
Water stress effects on the seedling growth of Prosopis argentina and Prosopis alpataco
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2006-02)
The expansion of the Prosopis genus from the Chaco region towards drier and colder areas would involve several morphological and physiological adaptations that allow these species to occupy different ecological niches. ...
Hongos toxicogénicos contaminantes de frutos de alpatacoPutative mycotoxin-producing fungi isolated from “alpataco” (Prosopis flexuosa) fruits
(Asociacion Espanola Micología, 2007-03)
Se estudió la presencia de hongos potencialmente toxicogénicos en frutos de alpataco (Prosopis flexuosa D.C. var. depressa Roig) recolectados en la provincia de La Pampa, Argentina. Las especies predominantes fueron ...
Effects of salinity on the establishment and early growth of Prosopis argentina and Prosopis alpataco seedlings in two contrasting soils: Implications for their ecological success
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2005-12)
In arid zones, water availability is the most important factor limiting seedling establishment and plant distribution. However, within a region with a defined water regime, the physical and chemical properties of the soil ...
Distribución geográfica y Fitosociología de Prosopis argentina y P. alpataco (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae)
(Sociedad Argentina de Botánica, 2002-12)
Prosopis argentina Burkart y P. alpataco Phil. son especies arbustivas que se distribuyen preferentemente en la provincia fitogeográfica del Monte, dentro de la zona árida argentina. En este trabajo se estudió comparativamente ...
Optimum germinative conditions of a multipurpose shrub from Patagonia: Prosopis Alpataco (Fabaceae)Condiciones óptimas de germinación para un arbusto multipropósito de la Patagonia: Prosopis alpataco (Fabaceae)
(Insituto de Botánica Darwinion. Museo Botánico de Córdoba, 2019)
Leaf traits, water stress, and insect herbivory: Is food selection a hierarchical process?
(Springer, 2015-10)
Plant water stress can affect selectivity by insect herbivores. Numerous studies have shown greater insect preference for water-stressed plants, but others have reported the opposite response. We evaluated leaf consumption ...