Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 336
Características morfométricas de lagunas del valle aluvial del río Alto Paraná (tramo Yacyretá-Confluencia)Morphometric characteristics of lagoons in the alluvial valley of the upper Paraná River (stretch: Yacyretá-Confluence)
(Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Humanidades, 2016-09-24)
En el valle aluvial del río Paraná en su tramo comprendido entre la represa de Yacyretá y la confluencia con el río Paraguay se localizan ambientes lénticos que se ven condicionados por la dinámica hidrosedimentológica del ...
Geomorphology of the alluvial fans in Colalao del Valle-Quilmes area (Santa María Valley, Tucumán Province, Argentina)
(Journal Maps, 2016-11)
The geomorphological map of the alluvial fans in the Colalao del Valle-Quilmes area represents the first detailed map of the Santa María Valley, Northwest Argentina. The map was made using photointerpretation of aerial ...
Fluvial piracies in the NE sector of the Sierra de Aconquija (Tafí valley, NW Argentina)
(Universidad de La Rioja. Departamento de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, 2020-07)
The Sierra de Aconquija is a recently uplifted mountain chain in NW Argentina. The NE side of the sierra is drained by the Muñoz and Los Alisos rivers – whose base level is the Las Carreras Depression that is located to ...
Hydrological connectivity of alluvial Andean valleys: a groundwater/surface-water interaction case study in Ecuador [Connectivité hydrologique des vallées alluviales andéennes: cas d’étude des interactions eau souterraine/eau de surface en Equateur] [Conectividade hidrológica dos vales andinos aluviais: o estudo de caso da interação das águas subterrâneas/águas superficiais no Equador] [Conectividad hidrológica de los valles aluviales andinos: caso de estudio de interacción del agua subterránea/agua superficial en Ecuador]
(SPRINGER VERLAG, 2016-01-01)
The Andean region is characterized by important intramontane alluvial and glacial valleys; a typical example is the Tarqui alluvial plain, Ecuador. Such valley plains are densely populated and/or very attractive for urban ...
Soil-geomorphology relationships of alluvial fans in Costa Rica
The precise determination of landforms and their formation processes are key to accomplish detailed soil mapping and better understand of soil genesis. The Upper General River Basin is located at the southeast of Costa ...
Holocene evolution and geochronology of a semiarid fluvial system in the western slope of the Central Andes: AMS C-14 data in El Transito River Valley, Northern Chile
(Elsevier, 2017)
In this paper, we discriminate the contribution of the different sediment sources into a river situated in the semiarid region of northern Chile, differentiating the ones driven by the paraglacial response from the ones ...
Geomorphological response to the Lateglacial-Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes in the NE piedmont of the Sierra de Aconquija (Tafí Valley, NW Argentina)
(Elsevier Science, 2019-06)
Fluvial basins located on the NE side of the Sierra de Aconquija and facing the Tafí valley (NW Argentina) enable a study of the sedimentary records of valleys and alluvial fans that have been subject to glacial and ...
Heritage conservation hazard in archaeological sites in Santa María Valley (NW Argentina): A geoarchaeological approach
(John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2020-09)
Alluvial fans are typical geomorphic features of arid and semiarid mountain areas. Most archaeological sites in Santa María valley (NW Argentina) are located on this kind of landform. The aims of this paper are to describe ...