Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 189
Estudo de viabilidade da utilização da escória de aciaria na redução da expansão causada no concreto pela reação álcali-agregado
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáPato Branco, 2012-06-22)
The alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) is a reaction that occurs between alkali cement and some mineral compounds present in certain aggregates, leading to concrete consequences, such as cracking. The alkali-aggregate reaction ...
Parametric model for the analysis of concrete expansion due to alkali-aggregate reaction
The alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) is a chemical reaction that provokes a heterogeneous expansion of concrete and reduces important properties such as Young's modulus, leading to a reduction in the structure's useful life. ...
Dedolomitization and alkali-silica reactions in low-expansive marbles from the province of Córdoba, Argentina. A microstructural and chemical study
(Elsevier, 2014-02)
Marbles from the province of Córdoba (Argentina) have been used as aggregates in concrete; however, there is little information about their potential reactivity and interaction with the cement paste. Recently, the ...