Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 28
On the rights and duties of occupation courts: Comments on Alejandro Chehtmans accountSobre los derechos y deberes de las cortes de ocupación. Comentarios sobre la concepción de Alejandro Chehtman
(Centro de Investigaciones Filosóficas, 2014-08)
Alejandro Chehtman has developed a sophisticated moral argument to support a limited version of the principle of symmetry between just and unjust belligerents. He argues that both types of belligerent have symmetric rights ...
Respuesta a Ferrante y Gullco
(Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Derecho, 2011-12)
Respuestás de Alejandro Chehtman a propósito de lo comentarios de Hernán Gullco y Marcelo Ferrante sobre el libro del primero "The Philosophical Foundations of Extraterritorial Punishment (Oxford University Press, 2011)",
Recensión a: Chehtman, Alejandro (2013). Fundamentación filosófica de la justicia penal extraterritorial. Madrid: Marcial pons
(Instituto de Ciencias Penales y Criminológicas, 2016-06-25)
La presente recensión pretende describir en líneas generales la teoría formulada por Alejandro Chehtman acerca del fundamento de la jurisdicción internacional y universal frente a los crímenes internacionales. De igual ...
Sobre los fundamentos filosóficos del castigo extraterritorial : comentario al libro de Alejandro Chehtman, "The Philosophical Foundations of Extraterritorial Punishment" (Oxford University Press, 2011)
(Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Derecho, 2011-12)
EL autor hace un recorrido por las ideas vertidas por Alejandro Chehtman en su libro "The philosophical foundation of extraterritorial punishment" (OUP 2011) con aprenciaciones sobre dichas ideas.
Comentario al libro de Alejandro Chehtman "The philosophical foundation of extraterritorial punishment" (OUP 2011)
(Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Escuela de Derecho, 2011-12)
EL autor hace un recorrido por las ideas vertidas por Alejandro Chehtman en su libro "The philosophical foundation of extraterritorial punishment" (OUP 2011) con aprenciaciones sobre dichas ideas.
Contemporary Approaches to the Philosophy of Crimes against Humanity
(Brill Academic Publishers, 2014-07)
Crimes against humanity have recently been the object of significant examination in contemporary analytical philosophy. Yet several theoretical issues are still up for grabs. What exactly is a crime against humanity? How ...
Revisionist Just War Theory and the Concept of War Crimes
(Cambridge University Press, 2018-03)
Under contemporary international law, war crimes are conceived as particularly serious violations of the laws of armed conflict. Mere participation of rank-and-file soldiers in an unjust or unlawful war is generally not ...
A new and improved explanatory account of international law
(Klub Revus, 2021-03)
Miodrag Jovanović has written an important account of why international law must be considered law. In this short review, I argue that his account succeeds at the cost of weakening a central feature of law, namely, its ...
Law or strategic calculus? Abstention in the Argentine Supreme Court
(Elsevier, 2020-06)
Abstention theory suggests that self-interest leads voters to abstain. While this theory has been studied in different settings, abstention in courts has received scant attention. Jacobi and Kontorovich (2014) hypothesize ...