Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 343
Coloración aldehídofucsina y alcian blue en metaplasia intestinal incompleta Hospital Regional Docente Cajamarca-2018
(Universidad Nacional Federico VillarrealPE, 2023)
Optical anisotropy of alcian blue-stained acid glycosaminoglycans
(Elsevier B.V., 2007-01-01)
Optical anisotropy as dispersion of birefringence (DB) (birefringence studied for light of different wavelengths) and linear dichroism (LD) (selective absorption of polarized Light) in stained substrates reflects their ...
Optical anisotropy of alcian blue-stained acid glycosaminoglycans
(Elsevier Gmbh, Urban & Fischer VerlagJenaAlemanha, 2007)
Evaluation of intestinal histological damage in zebrafish exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations of manganese
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2018)
Avaliação histológica da pele após exposição a gel acrescido de hialuronidase associado ou não a ultra-som
The objective of this work was to verify the effect in the skin of male swines gel (G) containing hyaluronidase (H) associated or not to ultrasound (US). In different areas was applied G; G+US; G+H; G+H+US and mesotherapy ...
Avaliação histológica da pele após exposição a gel acrescido de hialuronidase associado ou não a ultra-som
The objective of this work was to verify the effect in the skin of male swines gel (G) containing hyaluronidase (H) associated or not to ultrasound (US). In different areas was applied G; G+US; G+H; G+H+US and mesotherapy ...
Testicular morphological changes during the seasonal reproductive cycle in the bullfrog Rana catesbeiana
Spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis undergo seasonal variations during the reproductive cycle in amphibians. Testicular morphological and morphometric seasonal variations as well as interstitial lipidic inclusions and ...
Testicular morphological changes during the seasonal reproductive cycle in the bullfrog Rana catesbeiana
Spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis undergo seasonal variations during the reproductive cycle in amphibians. Testicular morphological and morphometric seasonal variations as well as interstitial lipidic inclusions and ...