Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 7066
Determinación de la calidad del aire con la inclusión de vegetación en ambientes interiores de espacios educativos, y su inclusión arquitectónica
The present degree work aim to find an ecological alternative, through the inclusion of indoor planting as
inner gardens, to promote a system of air renovation and purification inside the educative spaces, places
where ...
Las brechas digitales y los adolescentes de la Ciudad de Buenos AiresDigital divides and teens of Buenos Aires city
(Ediciones Universidad Católica de Temuco, 2017)
Something old, something new: Educational inclusion and head teachers as policy actors and subjects in the City of Buenos Aires
(Taylor & Francis, 2014-12)
In Argentina, "inclusion" has become a central target of national and provincial educational policy since the mid-2000s. Unlike in other countries, inclusion has been associated with the transformation of upper secondary ...