Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 552
Un Modelo en la Gestión del Conocimiento. Gestión del conocimiento en el Sector Agropecuario Argentino
(Universidad de San Andrés. Escuela de Administración y Negocios, 2009)
Agriculturization as a syndrome: a comparative study of agriculture in Argentina and Australia
(ECLAC, 2006-05)
The following is an extension of research in the Division of Sustainable Development and Human Settlements on sustainable development and policy in Latin America and the Caribbean. The syndrome approach to global environmental ...
Erosion control in Prehispanic agrarian landscapes from Northwestern Argentina: El Alto-Ancasti Highlands case study (Catamarca, Argentina)
(John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2021-03)
Recent research in the El Alto-Ancasti Highlands (Northwestern Argentina) has identified an extensive agricultural system distributed in between residential sites. This agricultural system seems to have been vulnerable to ...
Estudio ergonómico exploratorio en trabajadoras y trabajadores de cosecha de manzana y pera
(EEA Alto Valle, INTA, 2020)
En los últimos años en el Valle de Río Negro la superficie agrícola ha ido disminuyendo, y entre las razones están la baja competitividad comercial frente a otros países, la alta presión impositiva para exportar, aspectos ...
Making a Place for Alternative Technologies: The Case of Agricultural Bio-Inputs in Argentina
(Blackwell Publishing, 2020-06)
This article characterizes the ways in which the actors in charge of designing and implementing public policies intervene to promote the emergence of alternatives to problematic technologies. It is based on a case study ...
The impossible and necessary coexistence of agricultural development models in the Pampas: the case of Santa Fe province (Argentina)
(Springer France, 2020-03)
This article’s objective is to highlight the different forms of agriculture present in the Argentinian Pampas, to analyse their logics, in particular in their relationships to the territory, and to discuss the relationships ...
Dinámicas de cooperación y apropiación del conocimiento : análisis sociotécnico de agendas públicas de investigación para la soberanía alimentaria en la Argentina y México
(Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2017-06)
Este artículo tiene como objetivo principal analizar, desde una perspectiva sociotécnica, procesos de construcción de agendas de investigación relativas a la resolución de problemáticas de la producción alimentaria en ...
Agricultural crisis in the ancient Southern Andes: Trajectories and Evidence for its Archaeological Study
(Cambridge University Press, 2011-04)
When discussing economic crises, we could say that in the ancient past, those most common and critical have involved the lack of staple foods and/or the spices used for their preservation. Because of this, the literature ...