Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 208
Consumer responses to agricultural produce advertising in the O’Higgins Region of Chile
C. Adasme-Berríos, R. Jara-Rojas, B. Ramos-Cabello, M. Rodríguez, and M. Mora.
2013. Consumer responses to agricultural produce advertising in the O’Higgins Region,
Chile. Cien. Inv. Agr. 40(1):31-41. The main objective ...
A cost function approach to dynamic duality: An application to the US cigarette manufacturing industry
The dynamic duality econometric approach with the case of multiple outputs is applied to the US cigarette manufacturing industry to test for the presence of adjustment casts and quasi-fixed inputs with regard to stocks of ...
Habitat heterogeneity and use of physical and acoustic space in anuran communities in Southeastern Brazil
Habitat heterogeneity and use of physical and acoustic space in anuran communities in Southeastern Brazil. We intended to verify if structural and physiognomical characteristics of water bodies influence on the degree of ...
Habitat heterogeneity and use of physical and acoustic space in anuran communities in Southeastern Brazil
Habitat heterogeneity and use of physical and acoustic space in anuran communities in Southeastern Brazil. We intended to verify if structural and physiognomical characteristics of water bodies influence on the degree of ...
Mídia e educação ambiental: estudo das publicidades da campanha “agro: a indústria-riqueza do Brasil” da Rede Globo de televisãoMedia and environmental education: study of the advertising of the campaign “agro: a indústria-riqueza do Brasil” of the Rede Globo
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilPrograma de Pós-graduação em Educação, 2019)
“Essencialmente agrícola”?: progresso, modernização e propaganda agrícola nas entrelinhas da revista O Agricultor (1922-1943)"Essentially agricultural"?: progress, modernization and agricultural propaganda in between the lines of O Agricultor magazine (1922-1943)
(Universidade Federal de LavrasDesenvolvimento Sustentável e ExtensãoUFLAbrasilDepartamento de Administração e Economia, 2018)