Mostrando ítems 1-8 de 8
Interference of cage fish farm on diet, condition factor and numeric abundance on wild fish in a Neotropical reservoir
Historically, the ichthyofauna of large Brazilian rivers has been subject to anthropogenic interference, such as impoundments. Currently, cage fish farming systems are a new source of impact on aquatic ecosystems. The ...
Interference of cage fish farm on diet, condition factor and numeric abundance on wild fish in a Neotropical reservoir
Historically, the ichthyofauna of large Brazilian rivers has been subject to anthropogenic interference, such as impoundments. Currently, cage fish farming systems are a new source of impact on aquatic ecosystems. The ...
Diversity, similarity, and host–parasite relationships in parasitic infracommunities of Hypostomus spp. from the Tietê-Batalha river basin, southeastern Brazil
We analyzed the distribution and ecological relationships in the parasitic infracommunities of four species of the genus Hypostomus: Hypostomus regani, Hypostomus strigaticeps, Hypostomus hermanni, and Hypostomus ancistroides, ...
Filhote - ferramenta de suporte à análise e interpretação de dados biológicos
(Universidade Federal do TocantinsBRPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Modelagem Computacional de Sistemas - PPGMCSPalmas, 2017)
Análises da ictiofauna marinha e habitats associados através de vídeos subaquáticos
(Universidade Federal de PernambucoUFPEBrasilPrograma de Pos Graduacao em Oceanografia, 2020)
Aspectos poblacionales y ecológicos de los peces demersales del Caribe colombiano norte y su relación con el hábitat
(Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica), 2009)
Esta investigación se basó en la determinación de patrones de distribución espacial de algunas especies de peces demersales del Caribe colombiano norte y de las relaciones existentes con las variables de su hábitat ...