Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 34240
Sistema multi-agentes para crear agentes de control para el scdia
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia -Sede Medellín, 2009)
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo desarrollar un sistema que permita la generación de los agentes de control del SCDIA, esto incluye la generación de código fuente del agente, su compilación y su incorporación al SCDIA. El ...
Arquitetura de um sistema multiagente autônomo para supervisão e controle
This paper presents a multi-agent architecture that was designed to develop processes supervision and control systems, with the main objective to automate tasks that are repetitive and stressful, and error prone when ...
A multiagent architecture for supervisory and control system
Supervising and controlling the many processes involved in petroleum production is both dangerous and complex. Herein, we propose a multiagent supervisory and control system for handle continuous processes like those in ...
A multiagent architecture for supervisory and control system
Supervising and controlling the many processes involved in petroleum production is both dangerous and complex. Herein, we propose a multiagent supervisory and control system for handle continuous processes like those in ...
Control de plagas agrícolas y forestales con agentes microbiológicos: manual teórico-práctico
(CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 1999-10)
Control biológico de plagas agrícolas
(CATIE, Managua (Nicaragua), 2004)
Cochinilla rosada Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Verde): la emergencia, reproducción y propagación de la cochinilla rosada en las Américas
(IICA, 1998)
El documento brinda información y antecedentes del problema de las cochinilla rosada, y describe alternativas de acción, recomendando una respuestas regional que incluya todos los países, tanto los infestados como los que ...
Privacy agents in the IoT : considerations on how to balance agent autonomy and user control in privacy decisions
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação - PPGCCCâmpus São Carlos, 2016-06-20)
This thesis explored aspects that can help balance the level of user control and system autonomy for intelligent privacy agents in the context of the Internet of Things. This proposed balance could be reached considering ...
Microorganisms as biocontrol agents against bacterial citrus diseases
(Elsevier, 2021-07)
Citrus represents one of the most widely grown crops on the planet, extensively cultivated for both the fresh fruit and juice markets. The productivity of citrus orchards can be seriously affected by highly aggressive ...