Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 80
Inverse Shape Design of Deformable Structures and Deformable Wings
(Amer Inst Aeronaut Astronaut, 2011-01)
Inverse methods are mathematical techniques by which the unknown input of a system is determined from a known or desired output. In this article, a new inverse method for the reverse design of deformable structures is ...
Monitoring and fault identification in aeronautical structures using an wavelet-artificial immune system algorithm
This chapter presents a Wavelet-Artificial Immune System (WAIS) algorithm to diagnose failures in aeronautical structures. Basically, after obtaining the vibration signals in the structure, the wavelet module is used to ...
Hybrid-electric aircraft: conceptual design, structural and aeroelastic analyses
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilEngenharia Aeronáutica, 2018)
Monitoramento da integridade em estruturas aeronáuticas utilizando materiais piezelétricos e o método dos elementos finitos
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarCâmpus São CarlosEngenharia Mecânica - EMec, 2022-10-07)
The maintenance of the aeronautical industry corresponds to a big part of spending from aero companies and the safety during the flight of a commercial airplane it’s extremely important. Therefore, Structural Health ...
Modified unsteady vortex-lattice method to study flapping wings in hover flight
(Amer Inst Aeronaut Astronaut, 2013-09)
A numerical-simulation tool is developed that is well suited for modeling the unsteady nonlinear aerodynamics of flying insects and small birds as well as biologically inspired flapping-wing micro air vehicles. The present ...
Computational dynamics of flapping wings in hover flight: A co-simulation strategy
(Amer Inst Aeronaut Astronaut, 2017-06)
A co-simulation strategy for modeling the unsteady dynamics of flying insects and small birds as well as biologically inspired flapping-wing micro-air-vehicles is developed in this work. In particular, the dynamic system ...
Fenômeno de wing rock em placas de compósitos com acoplamento flexão-torção
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNPROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM ENGENHARIA MECÂNICA, 2021-07-20)
Wing rock is an undesirable oscillatory phenomenon that can occur in
airfoils with an increase in the angle of attack due to effects such as asymmetric
vortex breakdown. This work aims to study the frequency and amplitude ...
Projeto estrutural das asas de aeronaves da equipe Tucano AerodesignWings structural project of Tucano Aerodesign's team aircraft
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilEngenharia Aeronáutica, 2018)
Comparative study on analytical and computational aerodynamic models for flapping wings MAVs
(Royal Aeronautical Soc, 2020-07)
A range of quasi-steady and unsteady aerodynamic models are used to predict the aerodynamic forces experienced by a flapping wing and a detailed comparison amongst these predictions in provided. The complexity of the models ...
Anti-corrosive characterization of silicon, titanium, and zirconium oxide coatings deposited on aeronautical aluminum substrates via sol-gel
(Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesInglaterra, 2020-12)
Currently, aircraft wings made of AA2024 T3 aluminum are primed between the aluminum substrate and the outer layer of paint to improve the material's adhesion and corrosion resistance. This type of primer contains chromates ...