Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 65
Hydrodynamic characterization and performance evaluation of an aerobic three phase airlift fluidized bed reactor in a recirculation aquaculture system for Nile Tilapia production
(Elsevier B.V., 2012-03-01)
The hydrodynamic characterization and the performance evaluation of an aerobic three phase fluidized bed reactor in wastewater fish culture treatment are presented in this report. The objective of this study was to evaluate ...
Hydrodynamic characterization and performance evaluation of an aerobic three phase airlift fluidized bed reactor in a recirculation aquaculture system for Nile Tilapia production
(Elsevier B.V., 2012-03-01)
The hydrodynamic characterization and the performance evaluation of an aerobic three phase fluidized bed reactor in wastewater fish culture treatment are presented in this report. The objective of this study was to evaluate ...
Ammonia removal in a water recirculating system for tilapia using an aerobic three-phase fluidized-bed reactorMonitoramento de 24 horas do desempenho de reator aeróbio de leito fluidizado trifásico na remoção de amônio num sistema de recirculação para produção de tilápia
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the ammonia removal efficiency in the wastewater treatment system of an intensive tilapia laboratory production system with water recirculation. The system comprised of a ...
Remoción de fósforo de diferentes aguas residuales en reactores aeróbios de lecho fluidizado trifásico con circulación interna
The wastewater discharge produces impacts on receiving water bodies. Nutrients as P produce implications on lentic systems because they accelerate the eutrophication processes. Several technologies for P removal from the ...
Remoción de fósforo de diferentes aguas residuales en reactores aeróbios de lecho fluidizado trifásico con circulación interna
The wastewater discharge produces impacts on receiving water bodies. Nutrients as P produce implications on lentic systems because they accelerate the eutrophication processes. Several technologies for P removal from the ...
Determination of the zeolite optimal diameter for the settlement of nitrifying bacteria in an aerobic bed fluidized reactor to eliminate ammonia nitrogen
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín, 2014-10-23)
In this work, the determination of the diameter of zeolite as a support for a microbial aerobic fluidized bed reactor is performed. The design of the reactor is recommended by Navarro and Palladino [1]. For the present ...
Reactores aeróbios de lecho fluidizado trifásico con circulación interna: Caracterización hidrodinámica y del soporte
Aerobic internal-loop reactors use active biomass attached in a supporting media (biofilm) with the advantage of retaining a big biomass concentration in a small physical space, removing carbonaceous matter and nitrogen ...
Reactores aeróbios de lecho fluidizado trifásico con circulación interna: Caracterización hidrodinámica y del soporte
Aerobic internal-loop reactors use active biomass attached in a supporting media (biofilm) with the advantage of retaining a big biomass concentration in a small physical space, removing carbonaceous matter and nitrogen ...
Eficiência na remoção de NAT, DBO e DQO utilizando reator aeróbio de leito fluidizado com circulação em tubos concêntricos associado ao decantador de coluna em uma produção intensiva de tilápia
The development of intensive aquaculture is accompanied by an increasing environmental impact produced by the wastewater generated. The recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are a compact alternative and manage high ...