Now showing items 1-10 of 718
Fear and adventure tourism in Brazil
(Elsevier B.V., 2010-12-01)
The search for new non-routine emotions and sensations has become a decisive factor in taking part in adventure tourism. As Barros and Dines (2000) have pointed out, Brazil's natural resources are abundant and have been ...
Fear and adventure tourism in Brazil
(Elsevier B.V., 2010-12-01)
The search for new non-routine emotions and sensations has become a decisive factor in taking part in adventure tourism. As Barros and Dines (2000) have pointed out, Brazil's natural resources are abundant and have been ...
Adventure activities and environmental education in Physical Education journalsAtividades de aventura e educação ambiental como foco nos periódicos da área de Educação Física 1
This qualitative study aimed at analyzing the articles that deal with different approaches and methodological strategies linking the themes of adventure activities and environmental education in journals of Physical Education ...
Atividades físicas de aventura na escola: uma proposta nas três dimensões do conteúdo
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2008-10-31)
As Atividades Físicas de Aventura são uma realidade, fruto de um grande desenvolvimento ocorrido principalmente nas duas últimas décadas. São eventos relacionados ao Surf, Skate, Ralis, Corridas de Aventura, entre muitos ...
Atividades físicas de aventura na escola: uma proposta nas três dimensões do conteúdo
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2008-10-31)
As Atividades Físicas de Aventura são uma realidade, fruto de um grande desenvolvimento ocorrido principalmente nas duas últimas décadas. São eventos relacionados ao Surf, Skate, Ralis, Corridas de Aventura, entre muitos ...
Lazer, aventura e risco: reflexões sobre atividades realizadas na natureza
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Escola de Educação Física, 2008-01-01)
This paper reflects on the conceptions of adventure and risk, revealed in activities in nature. The presented speeches are contained in a research, whose boarding works with a universe of reasons, aspirations, values, ...
Lazer, aventura e risco: reflexões sobre atividades realizadas na natureza
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Escola de Educação Física, 2008-01-01)
This paper reflects on the conceptions of adventure and risk, revealed in activities in nature. The presented speeches are contained in a research, whose boarding works with a universe of reasons, aspirations, values, ...
The graphic adventure as an instrument to assist comprehensive reading
Video games are interactive applications aimed at entertainment that, practically since its inception, has been tested in order to exploit their properties in other areas. In this line, the educational extrapolation has ...
Fear and adventure tourism in Brazil
(Elsevier B.V., 2013)